Chapter 1: Earth to Jupiter

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We were intelligent, but we understood little of life across the bridge. Who was out there? Bad people. What if we cross the bridge? Another war will begin. Why aren't we prepared? We are to remain tranquil. Why don't we fight? Tranquilia has no need for such violence. Surely, you remember violence is why we are here.

At a young age, I decided to stop asking so many silly questions. I kept them in my head instead. Our instructors were more than willing to give us clipped, precise answers, but I quickly noticed more questions arose with every short answer. My peers labeled me as strange for my curiosity, and for the simple fact I was different. Everything about me was different, and I often times felt like I was all alone here even though I had a few friends who discouraged my individuality.

Multnomah Falls is the place I called home, but our tribe is named: Tranquilia. There are other tribes, but they are across the bridge, and I do not know their names, even though I wish I did. The unknown fascinated me, but I was alone in wanting more out of life. After World War III, the little amount of people left in what was once called the United States, developed our tribes. Tranquilia was built on the foundation of peace, and meditation. The Earth was sacred, and we lived as simply as possible. The violence of the war is what led to our peaceful nature: we had to stop the violence.

"Jupiter, I can see the wheels spinning in your head. Focus on your breathing, and clear your mind," Shine, my meditation instructor, commented as she crossed her legs, and sat down in front of me.

The teachers always gave me special attention, probably because they could sense I was struggling to fit in. They didn't realize that their attention made me seem more helpless and drew more attention to me. But I didn't say anything to her, instead I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. The wheels in my head were still turning, but they gradually slowed down until my breathing was slow. I knew time would escape me while I was here, and there are so many things I could be learning, but who would teach me? There are so many grand things I could be doing, but who would support me?

"Alright, great job today! You may return to your rooms until dinner," Shine exclaimed with a clap of her hands to awake us.

I let my breath out of my nose as everyone stood up from the wet ground. It rained a lot here, but that was the only thing I enjoyed about our village. Everyone made their way to the only building we had available to my age group which was a small hike away. Most people had a friend to walk with, but I started my barefoot journey alone. The rocks no longer hurt my feet because we've never had shoes, so I've grown used to the feel of the Earth.

Suddenly, someone sped up to hike next to me, but I didn't glance over until he said my name, "How are things going, Jupiter?" Moss was there with his khaki colored shorts, and moss green tank top which made me roll my eyes simply because of his name.

I smiled at him because he was always kind to me, but he was kind to everyone, so I tried not to feel special. "I've been well, how about you, Moss?" I asked, trying to control the smile on my face. I liked saying his name because it was so Earthy, unlike mine.

He flashed me his brightest smile, and then ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair. "Good, good." His pace started to slow, and I found myself trying to stay with him as we fell behind the group. "Jupiter, I have an adventure. Are you willing to leave your room at midnight?" he whispered with a mischievous gleam in his green eyes. I always suspected his name was a reflection of his eyes.

No one ever says no to Moss, and I wasn't going to be the first, so I shyly smiled and nodded my head. Interaction of this sort was completely illegal. Going out after curfew was against the rules, but if you were caught with someone of the opposite sex, then there was punishment. None of us knew such a punishment because we had no examples, and if there were, then they were kept quiet, but I was willing to risk it for this man.

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