Chapter 36 Ultimatum and Dead Deer

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Breakfast was quick and painless, until Tribe Leader Wolf approached the group of girls I was sitting with. Grendal instantly smiled at her dad, and I shrunk into the grass, staring at my plate with bread and fruit. I hoped he was looking for his daughter, but I felt his eyes land on me.

"Warrior Jupiter, please come with me," he commanded with his completely emotionless face. Was he angry? If so, then he hid it well.

Grendal's shoulders slumped and she stared at me. "I thought we had a meeting today," she murmured. She looked like she was on the verge of pouting.

He glanced down at me as I slowly got to my feet, and then stared at her. "It's at one o'clock, don't be late," he shot back, and then he turned to me. "Come along."

I nodded my head and followed him through the grass; I wish I could feel it, but these stupid boots protect my feet from feeling anything. A few people stared as we walked towards the Residence Halls, but they tried to look away quickly. We walked where the adults usually stay, and I tried to keep up with the giant man's steps. Luckily, I'm a decent runner, so I was able to stay caught up to him.

He didn't speak to me even as he led me through the unfamiliar halls. I assumed all of the doors led to bedrooms, but then he opened one in the middle that led to a big room. My mouth instantly opened as I saw the head of a deer mounted on the wall with his horns reaching up towards the ceiling. No doubt he was the Tribe Leader's trophy. There was long table in the center of the room with chairs on either side, but he chose his seat at the head of the wooden table.

"Take a seat anywhere you would like."

I was terrified of this man, so I wanted to sit far away from him, but that would show my fear. On the other hand, sitting close to him might show too much confidence and not enough fear for my leader. I tried to be quick as I picked a seat on his right side, but I left a chair between us. "Tribe Leader Wolf, may I ask what this is about?" I gingerly questioned in the hopes that I wouldn't upset him.

He laid his hands flat against the wood; he moved them slightly. "This table was a gift from Tranqulia decades ago after my tribe protected their hunting ground. They were always so peaceful, and my grandfather was too kind to them. Do you understand why we raided your old tribe?" he asked as he easily shifted the conversation towards me.

"Well, Tranqulia was an easy target, plus their land hasn't been hunted in so long. They also have a great water supply, and good soil," I replied, hoping my official tone wasn't too much. I was thankful Beo had given me all of that information.

One side of his mouth twitched up. "Very good," he murmured, and then he stood to walk away. It was difficult to see a barbarian as himself acting so professional. "Are you liking it here?"


"How is your training with Grendal going?" he asked as he picked up a remote.

"I enjoy it, and my hunting skills have been improving," I answered, hoping I was being completely honest. Then, I tried to wipe my sweaty palms on my pants without him noticing.

He set the remote down, and then walked back towards the table; he was towering over me. "Your tribe has been very stubborn. They have not wanted to eat the food we have kindly shared, and they do not want to learn out fighting style," he began with his dark brown eyes staring through me. "That's why I have asked you to meet with me. Beo and Grendal both say you have great potential, so I'm giving you the opportunity to prove it. I want you to train your tribe to be warriors. This has worked for you, maybe you can make them adapt."

My eyes widened, and I tried to keep my composure. How was I even supposed to react to a request like this?

Before I could answer, he continued to speak. "Grendal will show you what you need to teach, but they trust you, so we will not interfere with your lessons. You can train them wherever you like, but you'll only be given one hour, and one small group a day. I had planned for Daiki to do this, but you seem like a better fit," he explained with a slight smirk. There was something behind his eyes I couldn't identify, but I felt like he was hoping for me to fail.

"What if I deny?" I asked and I instantly regretted my words.

His eyes narrowed only slightly. "How do you feel about Beo?" he asked in a smooth, calming tone. Beo must have learned his manipulation skills from his dad.

My eyebrows knitted at the sudden subject change, but I knew where this was going. "I'm grateful that he has helped me become part of this tribe," I carefully chose my words this time, speaking slowly. "I enjoy his company."

He pulled out his chair, and sat down again, folding his hands on the table. "Grendal has told me how fond he is of you, but I've never actually considered pairing you with my genetically superior son. Perhaps, if you can complete this small task, then I could throw you into the running," he offered with a small smile. "On the other hand, if you deny, then you may as well leave my tribe."

I nodded my head at his ultimatum, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "Then, it sounds like I don't have much of a choice, do I?" I shot back as I clenched my jaw.

He shook his head at me. "You speak bravely, but that mouth of yours will get you into trouble someday," he replied with a frown. "So we have a deal?"

"Yes, of course, Tribe Leader Wolf," I answered in my most formal voice.

He stood, and escorted me out of the room. As I followed close behind him, I smirked at his back. Training my old tribe wouldn't be hard even though they probably hate me. They will soon get over this grudge once I explain my plan to them.

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