His Journey Begins

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    It was a snowy day in the small town of Hawthrone. There were kids having friendly snowball fights and ice skating,but there's one trouble making young adult who decides to do something a little more fun and his name was Jackson Overland.He is still 19 years old always acting like a child,but he does have times where he can be responsible only 5% of the time.After Jackson's father went to war,he became the man of the house taking care of his little sister,Emma,and his mother,Amelia.So far today was like any other fun day for Jackson and his sister,at least that's what they thought until the day changed."Jackson where are you?",Emma yelled out from her home's kitchen window looking for her brother near the ice,cold, frozen lake,"Mom said it's time to eat!".Emma stepped outside and looked around with no sign of her brother.

    "Boo!",Jackson yelled hanging from the roof of their house."Here I am,ta da!",Jackson jumped down from the roof landing on his feet in front of his startled little sister.

    Emma was terrified and angry,"What's wrong with you?You almost scared me to death!".The little girl stomped back inside the house mad at her brother.

    Jackson followed her inside laughing,"I'm sorry Em,but you should've seen your face.",he sat down at the dinner table with his sister as their mother came in with a three bowls of soup for the family.She gave a bowl to each child and sat down across from them and began to eat.

    "What did you do this time Jackson?",their mother asked with a calm tone eating her soup.

    Emma started to talk before Jackson even had a chance to say something,"He was hiding from me then hung from the roof and scared me again.",for a little girl she does have a high temper.Emma started to calm down and eat her soup.

    "Jack,",their mother said,"you need to stop scaring your little sister.".Their mother finished her soup and got up to set her bowl in the sink.

    Jackson got up to put his finished bowl in the sink while Emma was still eating."Come on Mom,",Jackson said getting defensive,"it as just a joke no one got hurt.". Their mother sat down on a stool near the kitchen counter tired from a long day of work.

    Then their mother started to lecture Jackson,"Jackson,you are a young man,not a child.You need to grow up and stop being so childish.",she was trying not to snap and keep calm.

    Jackson rolled his eyes as he leaned against the kitchen counter,"Mom I'm just trying to have some fun.",Jackson felt very annoyed inside,but he kept it under control unlike his mother.

     "Jack you are almost 20 years old! You need to grow up and start helping around the house like your father told you!",their mother started to yell as she slammed her hand on the kitchen counter making a loud thud.Emma was startled and ran up stairs to her room leaving her bowl of soup on the table.Their mother got up to put her daughter's bowl in the sink as she sighed.

     Jackson walked away from his mother and stood next to the table."Mom,",he said,"I'm trying,but I can't be an exact copy of my father.",he started to walk upstairs to check on his sister until his mother walked up to him,grabbed his arm,and told him to try harder,to grow up.Jackson yanked his arm out of his mother's grasp and ran upstairs.

      Just a couple hours later Jackson's mother was reading a book on the couch downstairs,then there was a knock at the door.His mother jumped up almost excited expecting good news about her husband's disappearance,but it didn't go as planned.She threw her book on the couch and rushed to open the door.She opened the door revealing an older man,maybe in his mid forty's or early fifties,he had light grey hairs mixed in with his dark black hair ,and he was wearing the same uniform that Jackson's father wears in war."Hello sir may I help you?",Jackson's mother asked confused as to why the stranger is at her house.

      "Are you Mrs.Amelia Overland?",the man asked in a stiff and intimidating tone.Meanwhile upstairs,Emma had just fallen asleep and Jackson was going to go downstairs to tell his mother that Emma had fallen asleep in his mother's room.As he was walking downstairs he saw the strange man talking to his mother at the door,he stopped,and sat at the foot of the stairs eavesdropping on their conversation. 

     Mrs.Overland replied stuttering,"Y-yes who's asking and why?".

     "Oh where are my manners?",the man said in a calm,yet unsettling tone,"I'm General Peterson,top general of your husband's district." The man pulled out an orange slip of paper from his jacket pocket which was covered by many badges.The orange paper was folded with a red stamp holding it together."I came to give you this notice in person.",he said as he handed the slip of paper to Mrs.Overland.

     She was excited to know that her husband might be safe yet she struggled open it expecting the worse.Soon she just ripped the stamp off and unfolded the little slip of paper."This can't be possible,",Mrs.Overland said starting to cry,"My husband was barely reported M.I.A. just a few days a go and now he's...",she stopped and continued to cry.Jackson dashed to the front door and took the orange slip from his mother's hand and read it."Jackson give that back to me please.".

     Jackson just froze staring at the paper,as he read it he started to fill up with anger and sadness,then he finally snapped."K.I.A.?!,",he yelled at the general,"You mean to tell us that you found him dead after three days yet you didn't know he was missing for one.whole.month!",he crumpled up the paper and threw it at the general's face."That's a bunch of crap!Who the hell are you anyway?!".

     His mother tried to wipe her tears away,but it felt like a flood running down her face as she grabbed her son's shoulder and said,"Jackson stop it now calm down please.".

     The general picked up the slip of paper Jackson threw at his face and gave it back to his mother."I'm sorry son,but this is true.".He took off his hat and held it to his chest."I didn't know him long,but he was a good soldier and you should be proud of him.".

     Jackson just stood there and faked a laugh."Wow are you serious?",he started to get loud again,"I'm not your son old man,I don't trust you and I know my dad isn't dead!".Jackson gestured to his mother."Do you actually believe this guy mom?!".

     Mrs.Overland wiped her tears and nodded,"Jackson,everything will be okay he's in a better place now.I know you're trying to avoid the truth now,but you will grow to accept it soon.".

    "Wow I can't believe this,",Jackson said until he thought of something,"That's it!".He ran up to his room and a few minutes later he came back down carrying a backpack and wearing a hood cover up and stormed out the door.

     "Jack,what are you doing?",his mother yelled,"Jackson Jones Overland get back here right now!".

     Jackson stopped and yelled back,"Sorry Mom,but It's about time that I grow up and make my own choices! I'm going to find Dad and prove that,that old scumbag is a liar!".He continued to storm off and soon disappeared into the crowded village.

     "Don't worry ma'am I will talk to him."the general said,"Who knows?This little journey might be good for him.".Mrs.Overland nodded,thanked him,walked back inside,and locked the door.As she walked upstairs to lay down with Emma shocked at the fact that she could sleep through that commotion,General Peterson started to follow Jackson's trail with a devilish grin on his face.


Soooooooooo how was the first  chapter? Sorry it took me a while to write I  was distracted by other things like school or minecraft to be honest xP .Anyway Let me know if ya want more!!! Laters!

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