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16 Year old Allison Klein was born and raised in Sacramento. She always counted herself lucky that her neighbors happened to be Cimorelli. Things were never the easiest at home for Allison, so it wasn't surprising that she spent most of her time at the Cimorelli house. She formed an unbreakable bond with all of the girls, especially Christina who was always her rock. But Allison's world comes crashing down when the Cimorelli girls unexpectedly move to Nashville. Over the next year, Allison's life starts to run downhill. Her parent's abuse just seems to get worse and worse until the throw her out. Will she see the Cimorelli girls again and realize her dream of playing professional soccer, or will the harsh winter be the end of her?

Stuck living on the streets, Allison's only solace is soccer and using a phone and phone card that was donated to a local charity to try to contact Christina. Though she never gets an answer, and she knows they have forgotten her, it gives her peace to be able to have her friend somehow.

Overwhelmed with moving into a new town, working on their debut album, and missing their friend who suddenly stopped answering their messages, the Cimorelli girls throw themselves into their work.

It is not until Lisa finds Christina's long missing phone, and the increasingly alarming messages from Allison that they realize everything isn't as it seems.

Will the girls get to Allison in time? Will Allison finally find love where she least expects it? And will the Cimorelli girls help encourage Allison in her dream of playing for the USWNT?? 

Lost But Not ForgottenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon