Paintball, Guys into Girls, and Apology

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Yasmin: The boys won't like this.

Aly: You DO mean Ceylan, Guren, Chookie, Toxsa, and Gen, right?

Yasmin: Of course.

Randle: Three two one!

Aly: (snaps fingers)  And just because it's a fricking gender swap... (snaps fingers again)

Guren: Funny, Yasmin.

Genevine: Aly, why?

Aly: Well, kinda had to do it.

Benjamin: Aly, you are a weirdo.

Aly: Yeah.

Sierra: Oh god.

Fallon: Why is my sister a guy now?

Fiona: She didn't want us girls to feel awkward.

Aly: I don't ship girls with girls, okay!  It would have been awkward for me AND Yasmin, seeing as she doesn't like yaoi.

Everyone else: Oh.

Beni: Why, Aly?

Aly: Oh right.  (snaps fingers)


Aly: No problem.

Benjamin: (looks at Aly's phone) I forgive you Yasmin.


Benjamin: Sorry!

Aly: (one eye turns red)

Benjamin: I'm putting it down!

Aly: (red eye turns green again) Good.  Anyhoo, PAINTBALL FIGHT!

One hour later...

Sierra: Even as a guy, I still can beat all of you!

Aly: Duh.  Well, we better stop now, I don't know how long I can handle you still wearing that skirt, Sierra.  Cross-dressing is just too weird for me.


I didn't mention it, but the male knights got turned into girls, and their protectors got turned into boys.  This was the weirdest chapter I think that I have ever typed up.  But you should have seen what Nicole had to deal with.  Comment truths or dares.  PEACE!

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