Horror Movie and Copycat

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Aly: I've never seen the movie Annabelle in my entire life, and I don't plan to.  I HATE the horror genra of movies.

Ceylan: Well, at least no one has to watch it, right?

Aly, Yasmin, and Nicole: (give Ceylan a look)


Yasmin: Also, if you get scared, you have to wear a dress for two chapters.

Ceylan: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eris: (walks in randomly) Oops.

Aly: (smacks forehead)  Nicole, what did you do?

Nicole: I had Danganronpa on the brain, okay!?

After Ceylan watches the movie...

Aly: Ceylan I heard your screams from in here!

Ceylan: Shit. (goes to put on one of Aly's blue dresses)

Yasmin: Aly, why do you have BLUE dresses?

Aly: Have you ever seen my colors on Quarton?  They're BLUE AND PINK!

Yasmin: Okay!

Toxsa: Well, looks like I have to act like Beni now.

Beni: This will be embarassing.

Aly: And funny.

Ceylan: Aly, why are your dresses so SHORT!?

Aly: In real life, I can't get away with it.

Nicole: Oh yeah.

Toxsa: That made no sense whatsoever.

Toxsa pretends to act like Beni and gets Aly to laugh before the end of the chapter.


Fiona: Aly, your bar for humor is SO low!

Nicole: (giggles) She only likes something if it can get her to laugh.

Fiona: OMG!

Aly: (between bursts of laughter) I think we're done here!


THANK YOU YASMIN!  That dare was just SO good!  Truth be told, I actually WOULD laugh if Toxsa pretended to be Beni in an episode of Tenkai Knights.  If something doesn't catch my interest or make me laugh, I don't like it.  Comment truths or dares.  PEACE!

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