Weird Dares

33 2 7

Aly: (looks at phone) Erm, my name IS Aly!  It's not gonna be any longer than that!  Geez!

Guren: What's going on?

Aly: Look at this! (shows him the comment)

Guren: -.-

Aly: I know, right!  Anyhoo, EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE!

Genevine: WHAT THE HECK!?!

Aly: Where the fuck are Catherine and Chookie?

Sierra: I looked at my phone and Catherine texted me that she had taken the "guilt trip" with Chookie.

Aly: 0o0

Everyone else: 0-0

Catherine: (hair is messed up) Sorry we're late!

Aly: (passes out)

Yasmin: Why did Aly pass out?

Catherine: Well shit.

Chookie: So, anyone want to look at Aly's phone?

Yasmin: Sure.

Randal: Okay, it's you who will be on the receiving end of the karma.

Yasmin: (looks at the dare) HELL NO!

Aly:  (wakes up) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU... oh.

Randal: Never mind, Yasmin. o-O

Aly: Yeah, this won't end well

SIX hours later (Yasmin wouldn't get into the fricking dress!)

Aly: Yasmin!  It was supposed to take FIVE hours!  It took an hour to get you into the fricking dress!

Yasmin: >:( I hate dresses!

Aly: I fucking know that!  Anyway, Chookie, there is no need to boss us around, even though you haven't really done that much.

Chookie: Okay.

Aly: Gen, answer this question. (gives Gen her phone)

Gen: (looks at the question) I actually miss her still.  I've missed her since she left me and my dad. (gives Aly her phone back)

Aly: Okay, but the next dare is just so fucking weird. (shows everyone the dare)

Everyone else: 0-0

Aly: I'mma gonna make this only go on for two hours. (snaps fingers)

Two hours later...

Aly: THAT'S IT!  (snaps fingers)


Aly: I don't know what else to do.

Yasmin: (holds up Aly's laptop)

Aly: DON'T-

Yasmin: (has a video up)  I just wanna know what your opinion is on this.

Aly: Oh.  Put it on the desk.

After the video...


Aly: There is some humor in there to make sure that it isn't too scary.  The deaths, however, are fricking twisted, especially Ink's.  But here's a question for you; HOW IN THE HELL DID THE ROSE GET INSIDE INK ROSE!?!?

Genevine: I'd like to know that!

Catherine: We may never know.

Yasmin: That entire video was funny.

Aly: (faceplant)

Yasmin: Answer the questions, though.

Aly: Question one, well, you guys should already know I hate villains, so yeah, I hate Trixie.  Question two, if I had to choose, I'd choose Queen Chrysalis because she isn't selfish and is taking over Equestria for her subjects.  As for "Equestria Girls," I'm with KP, because the movie is similar to the first episode of MLP.  Question four, well, I don't think that Luna would be good or bad.  Question five, well, I don't like the ship because there are NO HINTS to the ship!

Yasmin: Wow.  You had a lot to say.

Aly: I'd be dead at question two,

Genevine: Yeah.

Aly: Out of those ways to die, which one would you prefer?

Genevine: Byter's.

Fiona: Ink Rose's.

Aly: ?

Catherine: KP's.

Sierra: If I had to choose, AnY's.

Aly: You guys are as weird as me.  Let's end this before it gets too long.


I really wanted this chapter to be long, but not too long.  Don't even ask.  I'll put the link to the video in the comment section.  Comment truths or dares.  PEACE!

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