Chapter One

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I watched the snow fall, the graceful patterns pull me into a trance and I find myself smiling like a fool as I scribble pictures of hearts on my parchment; detailing ruffles around the perimeter of the hearts with a sharp arrow snapping across.

There must be a lecture going on in charms, but I just want to doodle away and watch the snowflakes. I must have given myself away to Hermione because now I can feel her gaze burning into the back of my skull; I make a note on the parchment to tell Ron to get his lady off my back.

"Now, for homework, I want you to create your own charm and NO Mr. Malfoy seducing a woman with your looks in not a charm." Flitwick hums in agitation as Draco tries to place moves on Lavender.

I roll my eyes and stare back my heart's with one picture making me grin as I draw an S in the center. I wonder in I could make an untraceable truth charm that would last up to twelve hours... Or a charm to make you brave?

I feel hands grab my back and jump. Spinning around to see Ron laughing at me for getting so scared, yet I notice the small shimmer of questioning in his eyes. Shooting him one of my famous smirks and scoff at him.

"Don't says me like that young man or you will be in so much trouble!" Ron does a horrible motherly voice and I stifle a laugh.

"But Mommy!" I cry allowed scruffing his ginger hair as I pack my books and quills away.

"No butts young man."

"Then how will I sit?"

Ron rolls his eyes and slams his head on the wall for dramatic effect, muttering about how he could have such a sassy child. I throw my knapsack on my shoulder and we begin to leave when I stop in my tracks as Hermione gives me the dirties stare; yet she nearly died by the Basilisk in second year?

"You weren't even paying attention to class today! You we're watching snowflakes!!!" She's livid.

My grades have been dropping slowly ever since Cedric was killed in the cemetery and my break up with Neville, but I can't entirely focus when a mad man who wants me dead is back and when I see Neville with Pansy... I just wish he could have told me he was only dating me to be nice.

"Well, the snowflakes inspired me. I may already have an idea of a charm that I could make." I claim confidentiality.

"Would that spell be to make snowflakes inside because there already is that." She snaps and begins to storm off to potions.

"I love her, but how do you handle her?" I stood in front of Ron.

"When you love someone all their flaws become their perfections."

He watches her stomp off and I can't wait till I have a man looking at me the way Ron looks at her with the most love in his eyes and I would kill for that. I rest my head on his shoulder and take a deep breath making me admire his love for her a little more.

"Ron, never change. Promise me you'll always be my best friend?"

"I promise you goof. Now, we should get to potions before that gre- Professor Snape has our heads."


Class started as usual with him bullying me and then my potion being tampered with by tall, blond and horrid. I now have a detention with Snape, but I found myself craving more attention from him and I would ask him questions to find stuff out about him; he answered sometimes.

I had dotted down some ideas of charms and would ask Snape what he thought would be the best option then the assignment was handed out from him and I huffed under my breath; I swear this school is after me.

"You will do research and create your own potion with ingredients and if you so much as use a potion that already exists you will be writing me a nine thousand word essay of the use of grass."

Grass? Was he running out of ideas?

Ron wanted to object, but kept his mouth shut for the benefit of our house points (which after my sabotage is six hundred under Slytherin) and for Hermione. I raised my hand and pleaded for me not to sound so stupid.

"Yes Potter?" He raises an eyebrow at me and I'm done for.

"Well, I... You.... Charms... Like... You... Did.... Never mind." I want to die.

"Detention at 6 tonight Potter. Class dismissed." Snape gives me a queer glance.

I should be the one confused and frustrated, I not only made a fool out of myself, but now I have to miss dinner? This is bullocks!

"Professor what about dinner?" I stay behind and wave my friends out the door.

"Because I have received a letter from your God-parent as well Professor Lupin that they wish to eat dinner with you." I'm close enough to him I can smell him.

"About what?" I push the conversation onward just so I can take in the smell of warm fire and cigarettes.

"Something I don't this is my place to tell you. Also, stop blowing up cauldrons they're expensive and come out of my paycheck."

I hiss at him and place my hand on the desk, holding onto whatever's in my reach. I go to open my mouth to tell him that is was that albino ferret's fault when I see his cheeks get a shade of red grace across them. His charcoal eyes stare at my hand and mine follow. Where I find our fingers are intertwined.

"Come at five. We can have tea." Snape speaks just barely above a whisper.

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