Chapter 12

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I glanced over to Draco, I couldn't believe how far he had fallen  with all of this going on around him. The empty halls could kill with how thick the silence was, but we walked over to the library not really knowing what to say to one another until we arrive there and Draco grabbing my shoulder. 

"We should split up, cover more ground, less... uhhh... suspicious?" I nod my head agreeing with the young Malfoy. 

The restriction section needed approval to get into, but if say we got Snape to give me a little slip saying we were allowed... and now, here in the restricted section in the library both Draco and I looking for these cryptic messages to Tom Riddle's lover and my mother.  I started on the left and Draco tackling the right side of the section, but nothing... as of now. 

I grab a black bound book that seemed older than all the others, but as I open the book with red quill marking letters of the paragraphs in circles; I stare at the pages covered in this red quill and I trudge over to Draco who is holding an almost identical book, but white instead of the black and his seemed to be about deadliest roots in potions. 

"There wouldn't happen to have red markings around letters... would it?" I speak in soft tone when we hear a very familiar voice. 

 My eyes widen when I peer slightly around the bookshelf and standing in front of Madam Pince was Dumbledore and my heart sinks when she points over to us. Panic floods me as I look at Draco, who by my expression can see I'm in panic mode and very close to having a panic attack. 

"Follow my lead." Draco shoves me against the bookshelf and presses his mouth against mine. 

His finger's dance up my shirt and I blush horribly. I feel his tongue touch my lower lips and I hear a gentle cough from Dumbledore. Draco pulls away from me and apologizes to the head master stating that he and I never get any alone time, how we snuck into here and how we lied to Professor Snape to get permission to be here.... and I wonder if this isn't the first time he has done this and with the look of disappointment on the older wizard.... is isn't. 

"Well, may I suggest somewhere else to indulge in the teen fantasy? Perhaps not in the library, books hold knowledge, we do not wish to taint it do we?" I felt him challenging us... or maybe testing to see if we would say something. 

Clever old man.

"Ah, Harry, Granger and Weasley are looking for you? Maybe you should tell them of your latest adventure?" He smiles and bids us a good-bye. 


"Harry, I get that you and Snape are like a... thing...? Maybe, I'm a little-"

I place my hand over his mouth and shake my head, I don't know what Severus and I are, but there is no love in war, no kisses, hugs, or even holding each other and I know... Merlin knows that either one of us can die and it wouldn't mean anything other than a casualty to war. 

"Harry, you're crying." I never realized that I had started to cry, but I grab Draco and hold him. 

We stand there holding one another, for as of this moment, Draco is the closest thing I have to a friend and I don't want to be alone. He pulls away from me and he cups my chin, without words I know he's telling me to strengthen myself... I palm Severus's wand in my pocket and smile to myself; I am not sure how, or why, but I want to see him very soon and Draco is right... I am strong. 

"Okay, let's take these books out of here and meet up with Granger and Weasley." Both of us stuffing the books in our bags, me with the black and him with the white book. 


"Harry! Draco! OH!" Hermoine hugs us both and kisses me on the cheek. 

"Mate, we were worried sick. Malfoy good to see you in one piece." Ron smiles slyly at the young Malfoy. 

I run down everything with them and I pull out Snape's wand. Hermoine smiles and blushes at me and I glance to Ron who I can't tell if he is going to be sick or is angry about what news have been brought into light. Draco pulls the white book out and brings it over to Hermoine and doesn't make eye contact, but with a ragged breath he spoke softly. 

"Hermoine, you are the smartest Witch of our generation... I tried and I cannot figure this out... could you and I review this together?" 

All mouths were dropped.

"I would love to." Hermoine smiled and took Draco toward the fireplace, while Ron brought me off to the side and sighed.

"Harry, there are many things I wanted to say, but Mr. Malfoy was right, about Snape being either your Pourer or Binder or bloody hell, both, but I guess he forgot to tell you what that also means. Harry, Snape is completely defenseless, if he is those things to you, you have his magic to your disposal not yours. Mom knows better than I maybe I can ask her and she can write to you. Well, or me and I can give it to you... I can say it's for an assignment." 

I feel shattered, I have left Severus defenseless, he knew I left him in this state. What if he is in danger? My eyes widen and I don't think of saying anything just taking off out of the Gryffindor common room and racing toward Snape's class and praying that I won't walk into... No, I cannot think like that; it's Severus we are talking about he will be okay.

I run past so many faces they all began to blur when a sharp pain hits my stomach and I double down in pain. The pain spreads through my whole body and I cry allowed, student's gather around me and I have to force myself to stand, but I am shaky and the pain doesn't stop. 

I have to...


I push myself past all the concerned students and tripping down the stairs; landing on the stone at the base of the stairs, head spinning, I feel sick. I move toward the wall leaning on it for support as I make my way to Severus, with one hope... I can kiss him before all of this is at an end. 

Pushing open the classroom door only to see Remus and Sirius holding onto Snape... he's not moving. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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