Chapter 101: The Princess

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Chapter 101: The Princess










"WE'RE ALIVE!!!!!"


"Hey numbskulls!" Sinbad poked from his quarterdeck cabin. "Put a sock in it! My wife is sleeping! The next yo ho ho I hear is gonna walk the plank! Savvy, savvy?"

The celebration died. Sort of. At least, it dampened. Dimitri tucked the vodka in his pants, Eret hid the whiskey, and Miguel removed his sombrero. "Sorry Capn. No offense to the misses."

"Offense taken." Sinbad swicked his scimitar across the decorations (streamers, balloons, and a pineapple piñata). "And can we please lose the party favors? God would it kill you guys to butch up for once? Or have you forgotten that this is a pirate ship and we are trying to make a dishonest living here? Remember my two favorite words – "

Sinbad slashed. The piñata crashed. Chocolate and gummy worms splurged out.

"—hard core! We gotta be hard core! And you're not hard core unless you live hard core! Savvy? Okay everybody shut up!"

Sinbad disappeared. He reappeared, snatched a Twix bar and disappeared again, grumbling about a "freaking pirate's life for me."

The ship sailed. The candy rolled. The crew stared. Then—

"He seems upset." Miguel concluded.

Marina stalked by. "Of course Sinbad's upset. You saw his 'wife.'" Marina tossed Miguel a mop. As he caught it with a twirl, she crustily added. "The slut."

"Oh I saw her indeed!" Miguel danced with the mop. The crew chuckled  as he  began sweeping the spilled candy to a Latin beat. "Well done Sinbad tis all I have to say! The rest – "

"The rest you leave to imagination." Tulio warned. Dutifully, he began untying streamers from the shrouds. "Sinbad's in a mood. He's probably still mad about Ruber's quote on quote mutiny."

"Understandable. I can sympathize. Ooo Tulio, you want a Kit Kat?"

"Nah throw me a Snickers."

"It's hilarious in my opinion." Dimitri guzzled the Vodka. He shuddered, then licked his lips. "Sinbad a family man. Can't believe he's legitimately married!"

"I can't believe someone actually married him!" Eret laughed. "And that they had a kid. Ha, get this – Papa Sinbad."

"Oh yeah that's right. Pitch said he had a kid, right?"

"Right. A son."

"Heh. Kid was probably a mistake."

"Yesssss." Eret rubbed his tattooed chin. "Didn't...didn't Pitch say that Sinbad...killed him? Killed his son?"

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