Chapter 135: United We Stand

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Chapter 135: United We Stand

Nightmares bulged beneath Crysta and Tooth. The Man in the Moon grimaced as the nightmares swarmed him like flies, forming a vortex between the Black Cauldron and Wishing Star. The vortex thickened as Wendy salvaged the Black Cauldron and Jim adjoined the Wishing Star's right and left halves.

What happened then? 


The black magic of science, to be exact. Science is a misunderstood field, the 'unpopular' kid in the class – but the discipline is rank with magic. Consider, for example, nuclear fusion: nuclear fusion is so magical, it occurs only on the sun. But then, consider the atom bomb. It may be black magic. It may be white. But take it from me – no wizard is that powerful.

Science is magic.

Jim Hawkins knew this. The Outerworld = science + magic, as much as his personality = logic + emotion. Jim (similarly to Wendy) understood both worlds. Therefore, as Jim fixed the Wishing Star and Wendy fixed the Black Cauldron, both sensed the interplay of science and magic.

And they were afraid.

But back to the science. As Jim explained to King Arthur at the Round Table, the Wishing Star and Black Cauldron represented two ends of a portal. Those that entered the Black Cauldron would get trapped inside the Wishing Star via the portal.

Think of the Black Cauldron and Wishing Star as magnets. All living things have a magnetic field. It's true. Positively charged fields are attracted to negatively charged fields. It's the simple rule of opposites attract (just ask Peter and Wendy). The interaction of these opposing magnetic forces is called "electromagnetism."


There is such a thing called "electroMAGICtism." 

Electromagictism, is the attraction between objects of differently charged 'magic.' It's sort of like a magnet. It's sort of like electromagnetism. Essentially, electrons, protons, and neutrons have magical components. These magical components emit a 'magical charge.' And (in the case of the Wishing Star and Black Cauldron), when the magical charges attract, they can form an energy field. They can form a portal.

Pretty damn cool.

Now, in the Battle to Take Fantasia, the Wishing Star split. The portal broke. The energy fields died. The electromagictism system failed, and demons were released into Fantasia. But, in the Battle to Give Fantasia, the Wishing Star and Black Cauldron were healing. Their electromagictism fields were reforming. The portal was waking up.

All Pitch needed was a few seconds more.

"Tooth!" Crysta dodged nightmares. She flew higher as demons bubbled from the Black Cauldron. "Tooth we have to do something! These nightmares are going to – Tooth?"

Crysta panicked. She couldn't find Tooth. All she could see were nightmares. Darkness. Shadows.

"Tooth!" Crysta yelled. "Tooth! Where are you?"

"Heads up!" someone answered, but it was not Tooth.

Crysta revolved. "Pips!"

Pips smiled. He smiled so cheerfully, several nightmares extinguished. "How you doin' my one bodacious babe?"

"Pips!" Crysta was overjoyed. Then she was concerned. "What happened to your wings? Pips your wings are bruised!"

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