Chapter 121: Miss Darling's Infamous Left Hook

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Chapter 121: Miss Darling's Infamous Left Hook

Pips introduced Wendy to 'fear of heights.' 

More appropriately, Pips introduced Wendy to fear of flights.

Wendy had never been afraid of flying before. But Pips put her nerves to the test. Unlike Peter, Pips took perilous liberties. 

For instance, when Peter flew, he held Wendy tight. Pips did not. When he got tired, Pips would unexpectedly shift, adjust, jounce, and even dangle Wendy to stretch his sore muscles.

Wendy tried to be sympathetic. After all, Pips was flying her hundreds of miles, and his wings (like any other muscle in the body), became fatigued. Although she was terrified, Wendy allowed Pips to intermittently drop and catch her – giving his wings rest. However, when Pips started to abuse the privilege, Wendy insisted the games stop. 

Pips reluctantly complied. The journey continued.

Hours turned into days. Days turned into long mornings and longer nights. And as they stretched over the ocean, Wendy wondered,

"Pips? Do you sleep?"

"Sleep? Sure." Pips flicked his hair. "Ferngullians are like dolphins – our brain turns off and wings go on autopilot. Dolphins swim and sleep – Ferngullians fly and sleep. So when you take your eight hour snooze, I sleep for two."

"Is that enough?"

"It's too much. Ferngullians are light sleepers. Plus, we're nocturnal."

"That makes sense." Wendy reasoned. "Peter doesn't – well I've heard he doesn't sleep."

"Only heard, huh? Never experienced?" Evilly, Pips pinched. He quickly changed the flight route before Wendy could scold. "Okay Toots, hold on..."

Pips glided over a monstrous swell. He was flying at an angle, approximately forty-five degrees between the ocean and sky. The position allowed him to fly aerodynamically while cradling Wendy, but he was still greatly exposed to the wind.

"Oh nuts. Not again." Pips swerved through a gust. His long hair plastered his face. "Stupid hair. Toots, can you get that?"

Wendy complied. As Pips hovered, she parted his hair. "Better?"

"Couple hairs stuck in my mouth."


"Nailed it. I think. Lemmie check." Pips licked his lips, searching for loose strands. He didn't find any. Satisfied Pips looked at Wendy – and winked. "Thanks Toots."

Wendy blushed. "You're welcome." she replied, looking tartly away. "Now, I believe we were going that way."

"Oh do you? Ha ha. Geeze." Pips swooped lazily ahead. "You really think I'm cute, don'cha Tootsie?"

"I really think you are a flirt." Wendy retorted, "And I really think it runs in your family."

"Kinda like red hair, pointy ears, irresistible smiles, and sexy eyebrows, right?"

"Along with inflated egos, inappropriate senses of humor, and immaturity."

"Toots you are hilarious." Pips kicked, assisting the propulsion of his wings. "One second you're worried that I'm not sleeping, and then the next second you're insulted that I made you blush."

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