Chapter 8

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Kaden's P.O.V.

I felt Kathy's breathing even meaning she already fell asleep I shifted and no I'm not naked well I have my boxers on and nothing else I felt Kathy snuggled close to me I chuckle and wrap my arm around her, inhaling her scent.

I stay human for a while and shifted after a few minutes.

It was getting dark, I lick Kathy's cheek waking her up she have to do her homework

She groaned softly trying to push me off I chuckle and use my paw to poke her sides knowing she's ticklish

She squeak opening her eyes "I'm up, I'm up!!" She giggles and playfully glare at me.

I got off her bed and nudge her bag gently biting the lace and bringing it up to her she pats my head and I strutted to the other side while she do her homework.

After a few moments she finishes and throw her bag across the room I look up at her she shrugged at me giggling softly.

I smile and lay my head on her lap looking up at her she smile at me patting my head

"You know, you and Kaden Black have the same eyes" She says and run her hand on my fur, staring deeply in my eyes

She gasps "What if you suddenly turned into a human and that human form is Kaden Black?" She asks her eyes sparkling

I slowly shook my head at her 'only if you know' I though giving her a Wolfy grin

"I can't believe I'm turning 14 soon" she whine and scoop me up and hug me

Well she's a strong lady

I put my chin by her shoulders I'm not complaining I can basically feel her soft breasts so it's cool.

So this is where the chappy ends and actually....................
Just kidding sorry um carry on ^-^

Kathy's P.O.V.

I hug Kaden tightly "Waaahh you're so soft and fluffy!!" I giggle and hug him holding his paw smiling

He might be so heavy but I can handle him.

My phone rang I smile seeing the name Id "hey Margaux!!" I smile more hearing her voice

(M for Margaux and K for Kathy)
M: Katy baby!! I miss you and yup if you're wondering I'm back!!
K: I miss you too!!, wait really?! When?
M: Today and just this morning
K: Awww really?? We have so many catching up to do!!
M: no shit! Tomorrow??
K: School?
M: I'm still unpacking my stuffs.
K: Aww I'll come over? And I'm bringing Kaden with me so you can meet him
M: You already got a boyfriend?!
K:Relax he's my pet wolf, and don't worry he's harmless
M:oh for a second I thought you were talking about a guy
K:But.... there's also a guy but I'll tell you tomorrow
M: No way!! Tell me now
K: Nope gotta go see you tomorrow!!
M: aww okay bye Kath!!
K: bye!!

I smile Margauxsella Aunorea my sister well not blood related is back.

She's been my best friend since we we're in diapers and she's not the only one there's also Andrea Pauleen but she's out of town with her grandma

I smile and nuzzle my nose against Kaden's

"Dinner's ready Kathy!!" I heard Jay I smile and let go of Kaden and stand up Kaden following me as I walk downstairs

"Hi?" I say seeing Jay in the kitchen and two other guys with him.

"Hey Kathy these are...."

Okay for real this ends Chapter 8!!
See you on the next update hope you all like it!
Bye bye!!

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