My Mate is My Pet?!

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Kath's P.O.V

Hi I'm Katherine Wolf

"Come here boy" 7yrs old me said to this little puppy I saw at the streets its so cute

He was silver with black fur "arf,arf" he said with his tail waggling I saw he hasn't a collar so that means he was a homeless puppy

"Wanna go home with me boy?" I asked he barked happily its a yes "come on" I said he followed me up to my house

"I'm home mom" I said my mom is so lovingly my dad is on a business trip for 5 months. "Kitchen dear" I went to the kitchen the little puppy trailed behind me I think I should think a name for him

"hey mom" I said as I kissed her cheeks

"mom? I was wondering could I keep this little puppy I found on the streets pwease" I put my pouty face

"Of course dear aww he's cute" my mom said as she said of course dear my puppy peek his cute head behind me. "tnx mom" I said

as I kissed her cheeks "welcome dear" she replied "Mom I'm gonna go to my room" I said as

I was taking the first step on the stairs I heard my mom said "I'll call you when dinner's ready" "ok"

I called out "come on boy" I said as I was on the third step he was still trying to reach for the first step he couldn't reach it so I went back down and carry him to my room my room has a bathroom in it and a walk in closet and my bed has a Austin & Ally bedsheet

their my favorite and I have a nightstand and a couple of posters of Austin & Ally and R5 band posters I love Ross Lynch what can I say. I saw my poor little puppy couldn't reach the bed so

I just brought him to the top he was rolling over I couldn't help but giggle then he stopped and looked at me he's so cute

"I think you need a name little fella" I said he barked happily "how about Zack?" he shake his head no wow "Jayden?" he shakes his head no again aha! "Kaden?" he licked my cheeks aww "Kaden it is" I said

"Kaden I'm gonna take a bath stay here ok?" I asked he nodded I went to take a bath and went in my closet I choose my Hello Kitty pj's then my mom called to dinner I went to check at Kaden he was looking at me "Kaden wanna eat dinner?" he barked happily then

I went to get him and went downstair to eat dinner "hey mom what'cha cookin'?" I asked she said we're having bacon yay my favorite "mom can Kaden have too?" I asked "ok dear-who's Kaden?" oh yeah I forgot to tell her I named Kaden "he's my puppy ma I named him"I said happily she smiled at me and said "that's ok dear" "yay Kaden you can join dinner do you want milk?"

I asked he nodded As I went to get him a milk I didn't

know where to put it so I just asked mom "mom where can I put Kaden's milk?" "Here tomorrow we can go shopping things for Kaden and yours ok sweetie?" she said as I grabbed the bowl from her hand "here Kaden"

I said as he come over me then dinner goes by and its time to sleep "goodnight mom" I kissed her cheeks "goodnight dear" she kissed my forehead "come o-" ohh he's asleep I gently pick him up and carry him to my room and put him gently at the bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and went to bed

I saw Kaden's awake as I lay down on the bed he snuggled closer to me aww he's so cute "goodnight Kaden I love you" as I said that he purred?? oh well then I went to dreamland.


Hey guyz this is my second story

hope you like it.

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bye guyz


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