All About Us - Denmark x Reader

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Hey guys, i realize that i've already done a denmark x reader, but i got requested on that was more romantic and i found a really good song of late, and i really wanted to do a fanfic on it. The order for the next few goes as follows, this Italy, then Russia :D I've got a lot of requests on other things, and I"m gonna try to get a lot of them done as soon as possible. Sorry it's not that romantic and the ending isn't that good!!


"Pleaseeee, Matt, it'd mean the world to me." You pleaded the energetic wild haired blond. You had NO clue why he didn't want to sing karaoke with you. He just didn't seem to want to do ANYTHING with you anymore ever, and it made no sense because the two of you had known eachother since forever. You gave him your best big eyes, and you saw a blush spread across his face. What was up with him? "There's not even anyone in the club, it's just our friends. 

The silver haired, ruby eyed trickster next to the blond nudged him playfully, before whispering something in his ear that you couldn't hear. 

"Fine, I guess. What song?" Mathias replied to you. As soon as the word 'fine' slipped out of his mouth, you grabbed his wrist and dragged him onto the stage, as your song was up next. It was only until you guys were on stage that you announced the song. 

"All About Us, I know you know it, so don't make up excuses." You replied to him with a laugh. Hey, energetic gal for a normally energetic dude. No but seriously, his sudden shyness when you asked him really surprised you. He wasn't shy with ANYONE, and why would he be with you? He had no reason whatsoever to be. 

At the mention of what the song was going to be, you looked over at your friend, who'd gone completely weird over there, screwing up his face. "Isn't that a love s-song?" He asked goofily. 

"NO, of course it is, you've heard it tons. Why-" 

"NO REASON." He replied quickly, interuptting you before you even got the chance. Suddenly startling him, the guitar for the song started plucking, filling the practically empty room with song. You heard your friend murmur something in Danish to himself, before he caught your face and stopped, ony to look in the opposite direction when your eyes met. 

*************CHANGE OF POV TO THE DANE'S STRANGELY SHY POV******************

I looked up at the karaoke screen, whose numbers began to go down from 10 as though they were torturing me by making me wait and jumping out into my face when they faded out into the screen. I muttered a few Danish swear words under my breath, then when I looked over at the ______(brunette, blonde, redhead, etc.) girl standing next to me, and our eyes clashed blue with that amazing shade of ______(e/c) she always wore. I caught myself when it felt like I'd been staring into them for too long and broke the invisible link that held our eyes together. 

In my daze, I looked up at the karaoke screen to see it go to one and then  "Take my hand," _____(y/n)  began "I'll teach you to dance."  Fuck, why did she have to be such a good singer, was the only thought going through my head as her voice echoed throughout the karaoke bar's walls. "I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down." 

Why did it have to be a fucking love song as well. She began to walk up to me, don't fall for the trap Mathias, it's just a song, she's ACTING. "Would you let me lead? You could step on my feet. Give it a try, it'll be all right."  My friend, NOT CRUSH MATHIAS, gestured at the whole room, as though telling me to sing. I knew my lines, thank you a lot ____(y/n). WHY WAS I BEING SO MEAN TO HER OH MY GOD?? This wouldn't have happened if I didn't have a crush on her. A while back I'd been all nice, why did my defenses have to kick in??

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