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People were surrounding the monitor backstage as they watched one of the new divas get the crap beat out of her. Aunie was all by herself in the ring being pounded on by the team of PCB.

The lights went out.

They came back up dimmer, to another woman in the ring bodily throwing Charolette to the flood with one arm. Aunie got up and started to fight back. In a matter of mere moments Aunie and her savior were standing tall while PCB was laid out.

The lights went back out when the came back the two women standing tall were gone.

Behind the curtain as the men dispersed from the monitor Aunie threw an arm around her savior and steered her towards Renee Young who was waiting for an interview.

"Aunie just when everything looked bleak and that you had no hope you had this guardian angel pop up out of the darkness, can you tell us about her?" Renee stood in the background letting Aunie shine.

"Well Renee this savior right here would be the person that has always been my guardian angel. This is my twin sister Aliea." Aunie threw her arm around her sister's shoulders and smiled wide. "She's only been saving my butt since we were toddlers, I am so grateful that she decided to come here and save me as well. Wanna say something Ali?"

Aliea looked at her sister and unimpressed eyeroll was hidden behind her dark sunglasses. "Yeah, the only person that gets to beat on you like that is me." Aliea turned and walked away from the chaos.

"My sister everyone," Aunie projected. "In case anyone was wondering she's the bad twin."

Aunie chased after Aliea towards the locker room that was designated for the women. Neither of them noticed the dark figure hidden in the shadows. A set of eyes from underneath a hood flashed red as they watched the twins walk away, they were focused on the quiet twin.

A phone was in the figure's gloved hands with a simple message sent to an unnamed contact, "I found her."

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