Not Alone

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"This sounds like the beginning of a bad joke." Aliea said quietly.

The severity of the situation fell dramatically when AJ started laughing. "Well now that you say that, it kind of does."

"So, are you my God fearing Demon?" She asked quietly again.

"Well I am a demon and God fearing, so I guess. Who called me that?" He asked.

"God." She answered simply. "A few years ago he sent me a message saying that I was going to get a guardian. One that could do the things I could not and Angels in general cannot. The only people that can do that is demons."

"He wants me to keep an eye on you." AJ watched as Aliea's shoulder twitched. "It's not because of anything you have done. It's more because of what you don't do."

"Oh yeah what's that." She snapped. She didn't need a babysitter.

"Hey don't shoot the messenger darlin'. I will tell you that I agree with him. You don't take care of yourself the way you need to." AJ looked at her knowingly. "In reality, all it is is your energy is draining because of the glimmer you keep."

AJ rubbed his thumb against the seemingly smooth skin of Aliea's arm. As it swiped the unblemished skin showed the truth of scars among scars on an arm that was too frail looking for someone with a steel spine.

Aliea fought hard to keep her arm still. "I've lived with it for so long. I don't want people to see the real me."

"The real you is still the one everyone sees they just don't see or feel the scars that are on your body or soul. You wear the glimmer to keep people comfortable more than yourself." AJ still had his hand on Aliea's arm as the the glimmer faded away and AJ got to see just how weary Aliea is.

"It does get tiring to keep it on so long." Aliea was so much paler now than with the glimmer up. AJ let his eyes travel over the exposed skin. The scars were too numerous to count. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. "I can put it back up if it makes you uncomfortable."

"You can keep it down. Let the strength gather before we get to the arena. You can just relax and enjoy the short ride." AJ kept his hand light on Aliea's arm the contact helping him settle.

Aliea noticed the calm from her at the situation washing over his anger that was flaring up and and he was soothed although he didn't loosen his grip on the steering wheel. With a small smile she remembered something her Mother used to say. "Trouvez votre équilibre, ou regarder le monde brûler." She murmured as she watched the colors of her aura intermingle with AJs.

"Gonna have to translate that one, angel." AJ told her.

"Find your balance, or watch the world burn." She said just as she thought. "It's something my Mother used to say when I would lose my temper."

"She sounds like a caring woman." AJ answered.

"She was until she was killed." Aliea smiled as the SUV came to a stop in front of the arena.

"Who killed her?" He asked.

With a quirk of her lips the glimmer was back in place and her door swung open. "The same person who killed me." With that she was out of the car.

Her halo shined for a quick second and then faded but did not disappear.

Pulling up his hood AJ got out of the truck red eyes tracking the angel that walked into the building.

In the locker room Aliea heard a giggle and then a gasp as her twin found the corner she was hidden in.

"'Liea, your halo is out." Aunie whispered as she came closer.

"It is, does that bother you." Aliea asked, she barely ever let any of the angel part come out.

"No, not at all. But what about the other people?" Aunie looked around but there was no other people in sight.

"The only human that can see my Halo is you." Aliea sat on the bench and leaned against the lockers. "However, there is one other person who can see it."

"There's another angel in the WWE." Aunie froze when Aliea laughed.

"Not an angel, it's a demon." Aliea shrugged as Aunie gaped like a fish.

"Are they a danger to us?" Aunie asked, almost shaking.

"Aunie, I'm already dead. The danger would be to you. But that's a moot point because there is no danger posed by the demon." Aliea turned to door as it opened and Paige and Becky Lynch walked in and made a beeline to the twins.

"Well we don't have a match yet." Paige started but stopped and her gaze went to above Aliea's head.

Becky's gaze followed and she froze as well.

Aliea turned to her twin that was wound tight. "I guess there are more supernatural people in the WWE then we thought." Aliea smiled as Paige flashed a smile with fang and Becky's hair seemed to flicker with flame.

In the men's locker room AJ was in a dark corner watching Barrett as he moved around the room like he had had a woman by the throat the night before.

"I'd be careful if I were you, I know that you've had your powers for a while but they can be quite destructive." AJ looked over and saw the grim smile of Bray Wyatt.

"I'll wait until we aren't around people. But thank you for your concern, dark one." AJ gave a crooked grin to the dark mage that followed his eye line.

"At least you are starting to let things affect you again, demon." Bray sat next to him. "So what did he do?"

AJ watched as Barrett stormed out of the room when told something.

"He hurt my Angel." AJ's eyes darkened when he felt Bray's surprise.

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