The honest confession

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Few days later, Yugo was thinking plan how he can confess his feelings to Yuzu. He was nervous. Yuto came in his room, asking:

- What are you doing, Yugo?

Yugo looked with his blue eyes in Yuto's gray eyes answering:

- I don't know how to confess my feelings to Yuzu, Yuto-nii.

Yuto smiled saying:

- Oh, that's bothering you. Well If you want an advice, I'll gladly help you.

Yugo asked happily:

- Really, Yuto-nii? How can I do that?

Yuto smiled saying:

- All you need to do is...

Then Yuto left Yugo's room, smirking. Yugo was happy and he called Yuzu:

- Hello. - She said.

- Oh, hello Yuzu. It's me, Yugo. - He said.

Yuzu asked:

- Did something happened, Yugo? How are you?

He answered:

- No no, I'm good. Actually I called you to ask you something.

While they were talking their hearts beat fast. Yuzu said:

- Of course, ask me, Yugo.

Yugo was blushing when he asked:

- A-are y-you free t-this w-weekend?

Yuzu answered:

- Yeah, why?

Yugo said:

- I was thinking, let's go in amusement park.

Yuzu smiled saying:

- Of course. Let's go.

Yugo said:

- Great. Let's meet on Saturday at 11:00 o'clock at the park.

Yuzu said:

- Sure. See you, Yugo.

Then she hang out. Yugo was happy that he can confess his feelings. He said:

- Rin. The time came. I guess that wherever you are, you're watching me. See, I fulfilled my promise. Rin, thank you. I'll always love you. I'll never forget you. Now, I'll live my new life with new love.

Rin's spirit appeared and she touched Yugo's shoulder, smiling. She said:

- I'm so happy for you, Yugo. I can rest in peace now. You're in good hands now, Yugo. I love you.

Then she disappeared forever with smile.

~ Time skip ~

It was Saturday. Yuzu was exited that she'll go out with Yugo. At that moment, Serena came in Yuzu's room. She asked:

- Yuzu, what are you doing so early? Damn your room is a mess...

Yuzu jumped hugging her twin sister answering:

- Yugo called me to go on a date with him.

Serena smiled saying:

- I see then. Great. Go and have fun... But your room... Ruri-oneechan will be angry.

Yuzu smiled saying:

- I'll clean it later, see you, Serena.

Yuzu rushed to the door. Ruri saw her and asked:

- Where are you going, Yuzu?

Yuzu smiled responding:

- I've date with Yugo, Ruri-oneechan.

Ruri confused saying:

- With Yugo? Oh... Unusual but, have fun, honey.

Yuzu waved and rushed to the park. It was 10:50 when she arrived. Yugo was already there. She said:

- Hello, Yugo.

Yugo looked at the pink haired girl and said:

- Wow, Yuzu. You look cute.

She blushed saying:

- T-thanks, Yugo.

He smiled saying:

- Let's go to eat. I guess you're hungry, because I'm very hungry hahah.

Yuzu laughed and nodded and they went to eat in one fast food restaurant. After the meal, Yuzu and Yugo went in the amusement park. They rode the roller coaster, then went in the haunted house, ate crepes and ice cream etc. Then Yugo asked:

- What should we do next, Yuzu?

Yuzu answered:

- Let's ride the Ferris wheel.

Yugo smiled saying:

- Great idea. And the scenery will be perfect to watch it.

Yuzu nodded and they climbed in one cabin. Soon the Ferris wheel started moved. Then they were on top. Yuzu looked at the small window saying:

- Wow, it's so beautiful. I can see the whole town.

Yugo looked too saying:

- You're right. It's so beautiful. Listen, Yuzu...

Yuzu turned to him asking:

- What is it, Yugo?

Yugo sigh saying:

- I've been thinking. Rin's last wish... She wanted me to find new love and be happy. Listen... I...I like you, Yuzu. Don't think that I like you because you're Rin's sister... You're good person and you're always here for me. I like you, Yuzu, the way you are.

Yuzu looked at him surprised saying:

- I like you too, Yugo. I was afraid to tell you because I thought you wont like me. I'm aware about your feelings for Rin and you'll treasure those feelings. So, let's try to be together.

Yugo smiled nodding. He said:

- Of course, Rin is most important person in my life... I'll love her forever. But if she wanted me to be happy, I'll do that, so she can rest in peace. Thank you, Yuzu for understanding my feelings.

Yuzu hugged Yugo saying:

- No, Yugo. I'm the one who should say thank you. I love my sister too. I wont forget her neater you wont. But I want to confirm something.

Yugo asked:

- What is it, Yuzu?

Yuzu answered:

- That, Rin wont stay in our way of love... I know that you love her, but...

Yugo smiled saying:

- No, no, don't worry. Like I said, I don't like you because you resemble of her. I like you because of you, Yuzu.

Yuzu smiled and kissed his cheek. Yugo smiled and he kissed her cheek too. Yugo finally fulfilled Rin's wish. They stayed to watch the beautiful scenery, hugged. After that, they left home happy.


Well, I hope you like it...

Next chapter, coming soon...

Rin's wish Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V YuzuxYugoWhere stories live. Discover now