The talk

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After classes, Yuzu, Serena, Yugo, Yuya, Masumi and Sora went to do their club activities. Being in the same club with Yuzu, Yuya thought that now is the chance to talk with Yuzu. Yugo, Serena and Sora were in another club. Ruri and Yuto were seniors and they left the clubs for the youngsters, while Yuri was in different club than his brothers. Shun was freshman in the university. Yuya managed to came close to Yuzu. He asked:

- Hey, Yuzu. Can we talk a little bit?

Yuzu looked at Yuya surprised answering:

- Of course, Yuya. Let's talk.

Yuya said:

- Look, Yuzu. I'm sorry about the last time. I was selfish and stupid. I don't want to lose your friendship. I accepted the fact that you're dating with Yugo, but I can't be away from you. You know, we're childhood friends, so will you give me another chance, to be friends again?

Yuzu looked at Yuya happily saying:

- Of course, Yuya. You'll always be my friend no matter what. I was afraid that I'll lose my best friend, but now I'm glad to have you back.

Yuya smiled saying:

- I'm so sorry for worrying you. These days I wasn't myself, but thanks to Serena, I'm fine.

Yuzu smiled saying:

- Mooh, idiot Yuya. Don't do that to me anymore.

Yuya smiled saying:

- I wont, I promise. So how's going with Yugo?

Yuzu said:

- Good. You know we had little problems with Rin's fan girls, but everything is fine now.

Yuya smiled saying:

- I'm glad that you're fine.

At that time, Masumi came and hugged Yuzu and Yuya asking:

- What are you two mumbling all the time?

Yuya said:

- Well, Yuzu and I are friends again.

Masumi was happy saying:

- Really? That's great news. Ah mooh I thought that you two will never speak again. I'm so glad that you two managed to be friends again.

Yuzu smiled saying:

- Me too. I'm glad that Yuya and I are friends again.

They laughed and were happy. After they were finished with the club activities, they went home. Yuzu wrote to Yugo:

- Today was a good day in the club.❤︎

Yugo respond asking:

- Why? Did something good happened? :D

Yuzu replay:

- Yes. Yuya and I are friends again. I'm so happy. ^^

Yugo wrote back:

- I'm so happy to hear that, love. I was worried about him too. He didn't spoke with me too. Oh, speaking of him, here he is. I'll write you later. I love you.❤︎

Yuzu replay:

- Sure. I love you too.❤︎

Yugo put his phone on his bed and looked at Yuya. Yuya asked:

- Yugo, can we talk?

Yugo answered:

- Of course, Yuya.

Yuya said:

- Yugo. I'm so sorry about the last time. I was selfish and jealous and I did awful things to you. Of course, I love Yuzu, but now I see that she's happy with you, so I let her go. Look. I wont do anything bad to you and Yuzu. I want to be friend with her and again brother with you.

Yugo smiled saying:

- What are you talking, Yuya? Nothing happened. We're brothers and always will be. After all I can't hate you, neater you can't hate me, right?

Yuya nodded smiling. He said:

- Thank you, Yugo. Honestly I was big jerk, but I'm now glad that you forgive me.

Yugo nodded hugging his brother. Then they talked like they never had in their whole life.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter, coming soon...

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