Serena's request Part 1

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This chapter is Serena's chapter ^^


Serena finally found Yuya. She said:

- Yuya finally I found you.

Yuya turned around asking:

- What is it Serena?

Serena answered:

- Yuya, please be my boyfriend.

Yuya was looking at her surprised and confused asking:

- Say what?

Serena said:

- Be my boyfriend, Yuya.

Yuya blushed asking:

- Why? Do you l-like me, Serena?

Serena blushed responding:

- I-idiot. No. I'll explain you the situation. Please listen to me.

Yuya nodded confused and Serena started to explain:

- Few weeks ago, that boring Sawatari, started to following me. He always make some stupid things, like sending me flowers or chocolates. Well about the chocolates...Never mind that. It annoying me. Then one day he confessed to me that he loves me, but I refused. He never give up. Please, Yuya help me. I have no one else to ask but you. I already asked Yuri, but he refused.

Yuya listened the story and said:

- Alright. I'll help you, Serena.

Serena smiled saying:

- Really? Thank you, Yuya. I owe you so much about this.

Yuya asked:

- No problem, that's why we're friends. So what should I do?

Serena answered:

- Well, hug me in front of him or...

Yuya asked:

- Or?

Serena blushed kicking him and said:

- Don't make me saying embarrassing things, idiot.

Yuya laughed saying:

- I understand, don't worry. I wont k-kiss you on the lips, but on your cheek.

Serena was blushing and said:

- F-fine... So, let's go tomorrow on a date. I bet Sawatari will follow me.

Yuya said:

- Okay. At 12:00 o'clock before the cake shop.

Serena loving sweets agreed. She said:

- Then we'll see us tomorrow, Yuya.

Yuya nodded and they left home. The very next day, Serena was ready for her date with Yuya. Yuzu saw her and asked her:

- Oh, where are you going, Serena?

Serena looked at the pink haired girl and answered:

- a date...

Yuzu looked at Serena confused asking:

- On a date? You? The men hater? I wonder who the poor boy is?

Serena blushed saying:

- I'm not a men hater. H-he's just friend...

Yuzu was now so curious asking:

Rin's wish Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V YuzuxYugoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ