Love (Is Too Much Like Suicide)

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Love is too much like suicide, to be considered a blessing,

Or something I would willingly chase.

It's for romantics and teenage girls;

It's for those who believe their best option in life was to cut off the most vulnerable piece of themselves...

But instead of getting rid of it, like any smart person would,

They hand it to someone else with complete faith that nothing will go wrong. 

Love is too much like suicide, to be considered a blessing,

Or something I would willingly chase.

Like jumping off a building,

You only ensure you are, indeed, setting yourself up to be upset, 

And in both cases, you hit the pavement.

With a crack and a snap and sometimes some blood,

You realize that it was never worth you time. 

Whether it be razors or gravel that embeds itself in you,

It will hurt and only remind you,

That love is too much like suicide, to be considered a blessing. 

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