Holiday With A Sex God

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Hi guys! So this is my first story! Any criticism would be appreciated!

WARNING: Contains sexual content! Please do not read if you don't approve of sexual content.

Thanks loves!


Hope's POV

"So I have invited Rob and Jill over for dinner tomorrow" Says my dad stuffing a fork of broccoli in his mouth. Rob and Jill are friends of my dad's. Well, Rob is dad's boss. My dad, Will Lloyd, is a CP worker (Close Protection) Which means he protects important people such as companies, from being hurt or injured. It also means he is away a lot. He is based in Afghanistan, however, he sometimes work out in Arrack or Africa.

Anyway, we are planning, well mom and dad are planning, to go on holiday with Rob and Jill in a few weeks to Cyprus. Therefore they invited Rob and Jill over to discuss things.

As you may have guessed, my name is Hope Lloyd. I am sixteen years old and I live in Canada. I live in quite a big house, because obviously my dad gets quite a lot of money from his job.
But the thing is, I'm not one of those rich people who go around boasting thinking they are the best. No. That is not me, quite frankly it never will be.

I'm proud to say that I enjoy school and get straight A's. So yes, you could say I am a nerd. But I'm proud of that because there is nothing wrong with being smart.
But I have to admit, I am extremely clumsy. No doubt about that!
Unfortunately I am an only child. But that doesn't bother me because I have Maddison, she is my best friend. I've known her since I was three years old, her mom and my mom have been friends since they were young, until Heather, Maddison's mom, moved away. She came back thirteen years ago when I was three, when I became best friends with Maddi.

So here I am, at the dinner table with my parents. I finish my dinner first, like always.

"Thanks mom!" I say, before leaving the table. I run upstairs and grab a jumper and my phone. I was meeting Madison at Starbucks down the road. I chucked on my grey beanie to match my out fit. Denim skinny jeans, a dark grey Hollister top and grey daps.
My long blond curls dangling around my face.

"Mom, just meeting Madison at Starbucks, I have my phone on me" I peek my head into the kitchen.

"Okay babe, what time will you be home?" She asks, washing up my plate.

"About half-past seven?" I say, more like asked.

"Okay baby, love you" My mom can be such a teenager at times. Mind you, she is a young parent. She had me when she was nineteen. So she is only thirty-six.

"Love you too mom! Bye dad!" I yell, he was in the garden. He didn't reply.


"Hey girl!" Came a voice as I entered the doors of Starbucks.

Gee, no way to make that sound posh.

"Wassup?" I ask, casually. I gave her a squeeze as we sat down.
Cheering came from the other side of the cafe.

"Gee I hope they know that they aren't the only ones in here" I roll my eyes. '

'They' meaning Lyndon Skye and the rest of the soccer team. Along with the cheer leading sluts. Ashley Ford and the cheerleaders. Ashley Ford is one of the snobbiest sluts you would ever come across. Just because her dad is a lawyer.

See? That is exactly why I don't boast about my wealth!

Because I don't want to be any where near as snobby as her.

Speaking of the devil...

"Oh look, if it isn't Miss. Straight A over here" Ashley laughs at me, causing all the other sluts to laugh.

I stand up.

"If it isn't Miss. Snob who seems to have trouble putting on a top!" I bite back. I looked at her top half. She was wearing a tight white top, short enough to be a bra.

My comment even set chuckles coming from the soccer team.

"LYNDON! How dare you laugh?!" Ashley stomps her foot.

"Remind me of your age again" Maddison asks, failing at holding back her laugh.
That sent yet another chuckle from the soccer team.

Go Maddi! I'm impressed!

"URRGHH" Ashley stomps her foot one last time. With that, she stomps out of the door.

That sent everyone to abrupt into laughter.

I sat back down innocently, while the soccer team walked off back to their original places.

"Uh...Hope....?" Maddi says.

"Yep?" I answer, sipping my drink.

"Look" She nods her head sideways towards....Lyndon?

That's when I notice he's staring at me. His perfect blond hair flopping over his eyes.


My cheeks suddenly begin to burn up.


I see him chuckle at my blush.

Way to go Hope, way to bloody go!

I nervously look back to Maddison. She has a huge grin on her face.

"Something up with your face?" I ask.

"Dude! Lyndon freaking Skye was just checking you out!" She blurts out.

'Checking me out' ? Really?!

"He was not checking me out!" I slam my hands on the table, causing my drink to fly off the table on...Ashley...

"YOU BITCH" She screams.

"I didn't know you we're walking past! I thought you had run out crying!" I found it hard to hold back the laugh forcing its way out of my mouth.

"BULLSHIT!" She screams in my face. I notice Lyndon chuckling. I blush.

God damn it! Why can't I control my cheeks?!

Haha, that sounds wrong...

"You're right, it really does look like you've 'bullshit' your pants!" Laughs Maddison.

"Fuck off" Ashley hisses before walking off to the toilet.

I couldn't help but throw my head back laughing. Like I said, I am clumsy.


I finished my drink and walked home, after saying bye to Maddi.

I can't believe I just did that...
I, yes, I just owned Ashley Ford. Ashley FREAKING FORD.
Oh yes. Oh yes I did.

"Hi mom!" I cry whilst walking in the door.

"In the kitchen!" She cries.

I walk into the kitchen to find her making cakes.

"How was Maddi?!" She says, looking at me with a smile.

"Good!" I sigh happily. "Well, I'm gonna go get in the shower, I need an early night, I'm tired" I begin to walk out of the kitchen.

"But Babe it is only quarter-to-eight" My mom said confused.

"I know" I reply casually. I run upstairs to my room. I think back to earlier...

Lyndon was staring at me...
I repeat, Lyndon freaking Skye was staring at me!

Geez Hope, chill! He's not into you!

I agree with the voice inside my head. A guy like Lyndon would never be into a girl like me.

Hope, you're forgetting that he's one of the biggest jerks/player out there!

It's true. I've always known Lyndon as being a player.

I begin to get undressed and hop into the shower.

Hope, I HOPE you realise people will be talking about you non-stop tomorrow at school...



Hey there!

So what do ya think of the first chapter?


I'm Kristen, I love reading books on watt pad! So the other day, I though I'd write my own! I have been inspired by so many stories!

I also love making friends and stuff, so message me whenever! I'm always here if you need someone to talk to!


Kristen :P

P.S should be updating in 1-2 days :)

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