Chapter 2

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HI! Yes I'm back again :)


Hope's POV


I sit up at the piercing noise of my alarm.


As I sat up I bumped my head on the head board.


I sigh as I tie my hair into a messy bun. Oh no. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was the day I totally kicked Ashley Ford's ass.

But today was going to be hard. Words would have gotten round. Oh crap. I'm doomed.

Lazily, I dragged myself down the cold marble stairs down to the kitchen where mom was making omelette.

"Morning my beautiful ray of sunshine" My mom says sarcastically.

Nice to see you to mom.

"Mornin" I reply, grabbing a plate and holding it out to my mother.
She slaps a big fat omelette onto my plate. I eat it slowly.

After breakfast I ran upstairs to get ready. I brush my hair and let it down. I brush my teeth and have a wash.
I chuck I'm some clothes. Designer denim shorts, a black best top and a grey Hollister hoodie. Finishing with my grey beanie.

Yes, I love beanies. Who doesnt?!

I chuck on my white high tops.

"Bye mom!" I cry before stepping out of the door.

This is gonna be a loonng day.


As I walk through the school doors with Maddi, silence fills the hall. No no no NO!

Nervously, I walk to my locker, all eyes following me. People whispering. 'Is that her?' 'She's brave' 'I wish I had guts like her'

That made me smile. I grabbed my history books. History was my first lesson.

The hall was empty by the time Maddi and I had finished gossiping about yesterday. The bell had gone only two seconds ago. She had English first. I waved goodbye as she walked off. I began to walk to history that was on third floor.

"That was pretty brave of you to do that to Ashley" A husky voice chuckled from behind me.

I turned around only to bump into his chest.

"You're pretty clumsy aren't you?" He laughs.


"Uh...yeah" I say, still shocked.

"You have balls!" He blurts.

I can feel my cheeks turning into tomatoes. He chuckles at my blush.

"It was an accident!" I defend my self.

"Sure!" He smirks.

Why is he even talking to me? People like himself aren't supposed to talk to people like me. I thought it was a law!

"It was!" I say, in a high pitched voice.

"Yeah yeah, clumsy" He smirks.

Great, now I'm known as clumsy by the hottest guy in school.

What am I saying? He's a jerk!

"Whatever" I shake my head, I begin to walk towards history class.

Then an arm grabs me. I shiver at the touch. It was amazing. I felt fireworks.

Geez, dramatic much?.

"Hope, right?" He smiles. God his smile is to die for. Wait, he knows my name?!

"Yeah.." I nod, rather confused.

"You got history class?" He asks.

"Unfortunately" I reply.

"Me too" He smiles. He walks with me to class.

Wait a minute Lyndon Skye is walking to class with me? ME?! Wow.

As I open the door, all eyes turn to us. Uh oh...we are a little late.

"You two are late!" Came Mr. Wright's stern voice.

At this moment, everyone is looking at us. Everyone.

Every jaw is dropped.

Holy cow.


Class was uneasy. The whole time, all girls looked at me with horrible death glares. Eyes filled with...jealousy.

I swear if looks could kill, I'd be surely up in heaven with god and Jesus.

Sorry, I had to make the saying original since people probably get tired of hearing it.

After first period, I had English. Which funnily enough, so did Lyndon.
I swear this day couldn't get any worse.

Lunch came quickly.

"Hey" I sigh. Sitting at the table with Maddi. I took the seat opposite her.

"Someone's grumpy" She said, sipping her soda.

I explained to her everything that happened with Lyndon. Her jaw hanging. It couldn't be any lower.

"Nobody wants to see your chewed pasta" I warn her.

She immediately shuts her mouth. But her eyes still wide.

"No way?!" She blurts. Taking another sip of soda.

Suddenly her jaw drops again, staring at something behind me. I turn and follow her gaze.

No way!

"Hi" Says the husky voice.

Why the hell was Justin Watson standing in front of me?

Justin Watson was the second most hottest guy in school, after Lyndon. He was tall, muscular and had dark blonde hair flowing around his face. His incredible chocolate brown eyes staring right at me.

I was startled.

"Uh hi" I managed to say.

He chuckles. Then I realise why. I had tomato paste around my face from my pizza.

I wipe it away then immediately blush.

I don't know why he's talking to me.

Plus I don't even like him. He sleeps around.

"Coming to Dean's tonight?" He smirks. I'm still blushing.

Dean was a hot blonde dude on the soccer team. He is a boaster. He thinks the world of himself. He looks down on everyone.

"Why would I go to Dean's?" I ask.

"His party! You guys have got to come!" He begs.

I turn to look at Maddi, by this time she practically had pasta falling out her mouth, wide eyed.

"Uh I dunno" I shrug.

Maddi shots me a death glare. Her curly brown hair drooping around her face. Her deep brown eyes the size of the pepperoni on my pizza.

"I can't I have people coming round for dinner, sorry" And with that I got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I can feel people stare at me as I walk out. I just walked out on Justin Watson. Wow.


Finally, last period of the day! I sigh to myself as I put my bag in my locker. P.E next.

"What was Justin talking to you about at lunch?" A familiar voice asked me from behind.

I turned around to face Lyndon.

"Why do you care?!" I asked, throwing my hands in the air.

"Why wouldn't I?" He smirks.

"He asked if I was going to Dean's party" I sigh. I couldn't be asked to argue.

"And are you?" He asks.

Why is he asking me this?! What is wrong with this guy?!

"No I have people coming round for dinner" I sigh. "Are you going?"

Wait, why the hell did I ask that?

"No, I'm going out with my parents" He says.


Hello beautiful!

Hope you are liking it so far!

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Thanks loves!


Kristen :P

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