Gemini Male Aries Female

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"Oh, please, no.," Gemini said as he frantically tried to piece together the remains of his drum set. "I have a show right now, really?"

"Hey what's going on?" Sagittarius half yelled, half whispered.

Gemini turned around to face Sagittarius who was at the door having difficulty standing still.

His eyes were wide and filled with excitement. His hair was pointing in every direction. Every part of his body was jittering, including his arms, even as he tried not to spill his third Red Bull for that day; the drink responsible for his momentarily craziness.

"My drums just fell apart." Gemini sighed, "I should've known better than to have brought crap from that cheapo Capricorn again."

"G-Gemini again? Cappy sayysss th-that hisss drums ar-are top nootch. You're maybe just banging them to harddd."

"No I'm not. I banged Taurus' drums just as hard and they never broke."

"W-w-well that's not g-g-gooddd." Sagittarius sputtered. He took another sip of his red bull. "I'll get Taurussss to f-f-fix it. Meanwhile g-g-get ready for the snnow-- I mean showw." He slurped more of the energy drink. "Okay gotttaa go byeeeeeeeee."

Gemini walked away from his broken drum set and plopped on the white couch that centered his dressing room.
He shook his head. All this had happened so fast. Him joining the band, almost quitting because it didn't seem to be going anywhere, the band starting to pick up steam by getting their album to number one on the Billboard Charts, their performance on the VMAs, to now.
It didn't seem like a big deal to be performing in their home town, but it was a huge deal for him considering that it was where it all began.
Just him, Sagittarius, Sagi's ukulele and his drum sticks.

"Hey there rock star." The soft toned, raspy voice that interrupted his thoughts sounded familiar.

"Hey Aries, I didn't know you'll be here." He got up to hug the five-six fiery ball of sass, short in comparison to the six foot ball of whatever he is.

"Yeah well I just wanted to surprise you. I actually haven't seen you in so long and I miss you." She tilted her head, holding eye contact, while subtly nibbling the left side of her lip.

Gemini knew that look and the thoughts behind it.

"No Aries." Not now. I've got a show."

"Oh come on!" She pouted

Gemini smiled at the cuteness Aries possessed while pouting.

"Nope." He said, still smirking from Aries' mini tantrum. This suggested to Aries that he wasn't serious, which wasn't the case.

Aries pushed Gemini on the couch. "Come on," she winked.

"I said no Aries." He tried to shove her off, but she wasn't going anywhere.

"Gemini I came all this way for you though."

"Well you're just going to have to wait some more, I'm pretty stressed out right now."

"Is it because somebody stole your car radio?"


"Oh, is it because you're not a kitchen sink?"

"No Aries."

"Hmm is it because your bowl of rice won't help you down the stairs?"

"Stop it. We can't do this right now. Mmmkay?"



"YOu DID It AGAin."

Gemini looked behind him to see if he could figure out what Aries was on about.

"What? Why are you yelling?"



"THE way you breathe, it's so hot...."


Aries pounced on Gemini. They stumbled back and landed on top of the ruins of Gemini's drums, destroying them further.

"Aries you're hurting me."

"Let me at least lick you!"

Through the screaming and grunts, Gemini didn't notice Sagittarius and Taurus at the door staring in shock at the two.

"S-so this is why you're drums keep breaking. You're not banging them too hard, you're banging people on top of them too hard." Sagittarius said.

Taurus shook his head.

"Well you two shoulddd hurryyy upp. T-t-aurus will fix yourrr drums so we can perform-m."

"You need to stop drinking that stuff Sagi, you're an addict."

"Yeah I'm an addict.....

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