Capricorn Male Picses Female

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Picses wasn't feeling right at all.

Her mind kept replaying what had happened that morning.

The pouring rain catching Capricorn by surprise, leaving him wet and flustered as he got onto the bus and looked right into her eyes.

Right into her eyes.

Those eyes were sunrise to her. They brought about the hatching of  cacoons in her heart, leaving her with fluttering butterflies.

Butterflies that got worst every time she tried to fight them; every time she'd even look at him.

Despite all that she rested her chin on her palm, maneuvering her head to get a better view of his side face from across the classroom.

'Why Capricorn of all people?' She thought to herself. 'He's mean, and cold, and confusing, and cute, and sweet, and funny.'

Picses wasn't feeling right at all.

The worst thing about it, was that these feelings had developed out of nowhere.
And even worse was that he was walking towards her.

He was walking towards her.

Did he read her mind? Was he going to turn into a goat to swallow her whole?

"Come on Picses." He said, still damp from the morning rain's ambush.


"We have to go to the lab."

"The what?"

"The start our project... because we're partners..."

Her eyes welled up with wonder as she asked, "You want to be my partner?"

"Well I, uh, I don't know. He just put us together." He gestured towards their science teacher.

"Oh right, duh. Heh."

She ungracefully gathered her things and followed Capricorn to the lab, stopping when she heard a prolonged rip.
She desperately looked down at her heart.
"Phew." She breathed, "There's no tear in my heart, I'm alive."

Her relief was short lived when a breezy draft glided across her nipples.

She looked down again, this time gasping as she stared at her bare chest.
The front of her shirt had conveniently ripped in half on the day she decided to free the nipple!

 She looked around.
It appeared no one had noticed.
To avoid being a murder victim to humliation, she held her books up to her chest and ran to the lab

She walked over to Capricorn who was sitting at a lab table in the the far left corner. He was putting everything into place.

"Hey what took you so long? I already set everything up." Capricorn shook his head.

"Sorry." She squeaked.

"It's fine."

He handed her a lab cloak and a pair of goggles. "We're dealing with some crazy chemicals today." He clasped his hands together in enthusiasm.

Picses smiled.
He was so cute when he was excited.

"Hurry up Pisces."

"Oh sorry."

She took the apron with one hand and put it over head. She then slid the apron in between her books and boobs to make sure no one would see anything, all the while getting the 'what the hell' look from Capricorn.

"Okay all you have to do is mix the Lithium with the Hydroxide until it changes color. It shouldn't be too long actually." He passed her the vials and the mixer. "Don't put too much Lithium though. Make sure to measure it to about twenty one milligrams. And then we- Picses are you listening to me?"

"What?" She said, focusing her gaze back on Capricorn. "Oh yeah, mix the Lithium."

He chuckled. "Picses you're so weird."

She blushed as she measured the Lithium, trying her best to look all scientific to impress Capricorn.

It was a wasted effort; he was way more into hydroxide than he was into her.

She sighed and continued pouring the Lithium. It took a leaking beaker and a look of disapproval from Capricorn for her to realize she had been pouring too much.

She reached over for a paper towel which resulted in her apron falling off.

She froze.

He froze.

"I-I'm sorry." She barely even whispered.

Capricorn looked down at his feet, flustered again.

When she was able to feel her arms, she pulled up her apron and continued the expirement.

She couldn't believed what had just happened.
She had no idea what to do, no idea what to think.
Her brain had just comepletely stopped working, leaving her body in control of itself.

Her arms took on the job to involuntarily pour the excess Lithium into the Hydroxide vial.

It was Capricorn's "Don't put that there!" that got her brain to regenerate.

"I'm sorry. I-"

"Look it's okay. Let's just go to the closet and get some more Hydroxide."


She was still in comeplete shock of what had just happened.

'Goodness I'm an idiot. I am such an idiot.' She repeated to herself.

"In here." Capricorn walked in first, pushing the door behind him for her to hold.
Unfortunately Picses was too busy admiring the room. She had never been in the science lab's closet. It was filled with beeping gadgets, and colorfully labeled chemicals on shelves next to blooming flowers in incubators.
The door closed right past her, leaving them locked in a closet that could only be opened from the outside.


For the hundredth time that day she apologized, but instead of an "it's fine" from Capricorn, she received his lips crashing into hers.

She sunk her nails into his back, enjoying the sensation that came from his hand caressing her hair.
He pulled her close, intertwining their lips further.
Capricorn sucked on her bottom lip, savoring the cherry chapstick that melted on to his tongue.
She smiled as he ask for permission with his tongue.
After teasing a bit, she allowed him access, letting his tongue graze over her own.

He gripped her perky butt for a more stable stance. It didn't help as they kept bumping into everything. Including the chemical shelf, causing lethal chemicals to spill on the ground and everywhere else. But that seemed to be the least of their worries at the moment.

They parted lips so that Capricorn could start work in other areas.

Picses tilted her head for him to leave a trail of rough, hazy kisses down her neck.

It was overwhelming.

The softest moan escaped her lips, was what resulted in their dead give away.

The door was kicked open by Sagittarius who stood in front of a class full of gaping faces and a disappointed teacher.

"I can't believe you Capricorn. Honestly I expect better from yo-" Their science teacher's eyes popped open almost as wide as his mouth was. "Did you spill all those chemicals?" His voice shook.

"I'm sorry sir, we'll clean it right up."


That was the last thing Capricorn ever had to hear from that annoying teacher again, or from anyone at all.

The entire school was left in rubble.

For once the loud obnoxious teens that prowled around the halls had been quieted.

So quiet, that a bystander was able to hear the soft toned voice of Picses go, "I'm sorry."

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