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I don't believe in love. Sure I love my family, but if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend I wouldn't say I love them. I would say that I really like them. People don't understand that there is a difference. Through my eyes everyone either wants what you have, they're trying to fix you, or they're gaining your trust so they can simply tear you pieces. My sisters think that they are in love, but I don't think that is the case. I think love is when you physically cannot live without a person and I don't mean growing attached. Growing attached to someone and loving them is different. Me loving my family is different than if I loved someone else. I don't really think that I will ever fall in love. Love is a beautiful mistake.

Summer London Rain and Autumn Paris Rain think they're in love. Summer says that she loves Tucker Brown. Autumn says she loves Larry Stylinson.(BLEHH)(FIGHT ME!!) I don't think that they do.

Sure, I have a slight crush on Michael, but I know I don't love him. I'm not that stupid. It'd be idiotic if I thought that I loved Michael. We hardly ever even talk anymore.

I actually don't really talk much at all. I think. No one thinks the way I do. I actually think really deep, dark, somewhat disturbing thoughts that no one really cares about. Everyone at my school, well in my life, all think the same and I mean exactly the same besides Micheal. You know what they say great minds think alike, but bad minds think exactly the same. I don't talk much because people think I am weird. Weird is the equivalent of unique. At least that's what I used to tell myself. I used to love the way I looked. That's a different story now.

Because I got home so late, Mum grounded me. I guess it's fair, but I don't want to be grounded. She took my music away, so I'm reading "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green. Personally, I think Mr. Green missed out on the perfect excuse to use Cancer by My Chemical Romance.

You see if I ever wrote a book there would be a soundtrack for my book. It'd probably be mostly punk rock with a little Little Mix and One Direction. What? They're good. Stahp. We all know you're a Mixer and a Directioner. Don't lie, it's rude. Well it's like midnight and I should probably sleep.

After a few more pages of TFIOS I slowly drift into unconsciousness.

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