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**Next Day**
I woke up,seeing golden cat-like eyes in front of me.At first I thought it was my brother,but I woke up more and saw that it was the weirdo.I groaned and pulled the covers over my head."What do you want?I'm trying to sleep"I asked him.He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.Then he sat on my stomach.I blushed and asked"What the heck are you doing,weirdo!?"
He smirked,"Oh,are you blushing?Hehe.My name's Kisshu, not weirdo.And I'm not getting off of you until you tell me what you are."I smirked.A thought sprung to my head.Teleport!At this thought I disappeared then reappeared on top of Kisshu.He looked shocked."How did you do that?"he asks."That's for me to know and you to find out.Later Kisshu."and with that,I leapt out the window and went to the park.
**At the Park**
I sat underneath a cherry tree,when a childish voice asked,"Are you OK Onee-chan?".A normal child would be scared of me,so this isn't a normal kid."Who are you,what are you,and what do you want?"I asked."If your another one of those weirdos, I don't want to deal with you kid"I stated.I heard a rush of air and a little brown-haired,pig-tailed,elf-eared boy popped up."What do you mean by kid,you Old Witch!?"he yells."Did you just call me an Old Witch!?"I asked as an irk mark appeared on my head."Yes, you have silver hair that's ridiculously long.And you have weird as heck markings.As well as your eyes,what human has gold eyes!?Only Cyniclons (I think that is how you spell it?) have them" he yelled.I looked at him.Then I started growling,deep inside my chest.My eyes flashed red."Run little boy,run from the demon that is me."I said.His eyes wide he turned and ran,whimpering.He was yelling for some guy named Pai.Did his parents really like pie?I sighed,I was so tired!So all I did was teleport to my room.I collapsed on the bed,falling asleep immediately.

**Next Morning**

I could feel two skinny,but well-muscled,arms around my waist.I shifted and the person next to me tightened their arms and dragged me closer.I could finally see his face clearly.It was Kisshu!I could see his bare neck and had the weirdest urge to mark him.Me?Mark him?He couldn't be,could he?Then Ametrix,my demon,spoke"Yes,yes!Mark him,h is ours!"I had to!I couldn't resist any more.My eyes went red,my fangs popped out,and my narks seemed to glow.With a smirk I sank my fangs into his neck.He let out a moan as I sucked on it.His blood was sweet,so sweet,I finally broke away,panting heavily.Before he could wake up,I teleported to the park.I could hear the sounds of battle,what the heck is going on!?

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