Inner Demon

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This takes place in the next battle
"Pudding,watch out!"I call out.She was currently dodging a chimera animal's paw."Don't worry Inu-chan,Pudding is okay"she replies.I had told her to call me Inu-can,it seemed to relax her.
"Hey Kisshu,want to know how to stop the pain your in?I know how,but if you don't want it....."I imply.Everyone looks at me in shock."What are you talking about!?He's not in pain!He's just fine."exclaims Taruto,a.k.a the kid."How do you know about that?"he asked,while everyone looked at me and him in shock."Go to where we first met,at midnight.Alone.I'll tell you then.But if you keep fighting us,the pain will never go away."I told him,smirking."Deal"he said.Then he and Taruto dissappeared.Everybody wanted to come to protect me,but I said that would betray the deal.And I NEVER back out of a deal.
Time Skip
I was on top of the lot once again,this time for a completely different reason."Alright,how do you know about this weird mark?"he asks.I turn around and smile.Not a blood thirsty smile,a real smile.He looks at me confused."Listen to the vioce in your head,the one that sounds like me and you will know."I tell him.Then I tell him,I put the mark there,you should have been able to figure that out since it looks like mine.He looks at me in shock.
Then I heard,How are you doing this?It's impossible to speak in my mind I thought.Wait....does this mean you can be in my head at any time,reading my emotions,and seeing what I see?
I chuckle,I can do this because I'm not human and because you are my property.And yes I can read your feelings and all the other junk.I smell the air sensing.....lust???My eyes widen,Uh-Oh.Suddenly my wrists are pinned above me."Than you should be sensing my arousal"he said.Oh man,it was coming off of him in waves.
I would prefer to talk like this,not out loud.And I can sense that,and...I like it.You are attracted to me,we both are.So how about we skip the pleasantries and get to the point.Your pain won't go away until you mate with me,I declare.
He looks deep into my eyes,then grins.Really???Then let's have some fun,he said.He moved closer and you can imagine what happens next.
(Sorry!!!I'm not good at doing lemons.)
Time Skip to after That
I woke up,feeling Kisshu still sleeping next to me.Kisshu,love,wake up.We have to fight.Remember?Then I will kidnap you when the final battle is done,and take you to my world.And when we first met you asked what I was,I will tell you now.I am a royal dog demon.
His eyes fly open.I sighed,knowing I had to show him my true form,a ten tailed demon dog.Then I stood up and with smoke coming from my body,transformed.

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