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Chapter 2

(Misuto's pov.)

You made it the meeting spot; the place you were supposed to meet (y/n). But when you got there, she was being attacked by some drunken men. Rage took over your whole body, and soon you were unable to control your actions. Using your powers, you sent one of the men flying through a brick wall. You then grabbed the other man by the neck and lifted him into the air with you levitation magic. You could hear (y/n) say something, but you were too focused on killing that you couldn't make out what she said. All that mattered was making this guy pay for what he did to (y/n). You watched the man as his face contorted and his eyes rolled in the back of his head. "Pl-Please, I-I'm sor-ry. Pl-please l-let me g-go" the man begged and chocked. But you ignored his pleas and tightened your grip on his neck. Right before you broke the man's neck, you felt someone pull your arm. You looked to see (y/n) grabbing your arm, trying to get you to look at her. "Misuto please let him go" she said with despite eyes, "really, it's ok. Let's just go." She looked tired and in pain; she was practically leaning on you for balance. You were so blinded with rage that you didn't even realize how hurt she was; her head and arms were bleeding,  legs were covered in bruises, and her movements and eyes were sluggish. She looked like she could collapse at any moment. Even though you didn't want to, you let go of the man's neck for (y/n). He fell to the ground and passed out. (y/n) crumbled to the ground. You grabbed her arms to keep her from hitting the ground hard and gently laid her on the ground. Her eyes fluttered shut and she seemed to pass out. You took off your parka and wrapped it around her injured body. You lifted her up bridal style and walked to your house.

~Time Gap~

You made it to the place you lived. You used to live in a house with Hinoe, but after she died, you moved out to somewhere new. You brought her inside and lied her down on the couch. You went and grabbed a first aid kit and your spell casting kit. When you got back, (y/n) was awake sitting up on the couch. "How are you feeling?" I asked all concerned. "Bad; my head really hurts and I feel like I got hit by a bus" she said weakly. "Don't worry I'll take care of you" I said as I got a roll of gauze. She flashed me a small smile. You patched up her cuts, but you weren't done yet. You pulled out a few talismans and cast a healing spell on them. They glowed a blue, and you pressed them up against her wounds. "Do you still feel the pain" I asked. The healing spell was supposed to eliminate all pain. "No, not any more" she said. "Those ass holes don't disserve to live. They're just a waste of precise air. If it was my choice I would murder every single one of them" I yelled. People like that really pisses me off. If I had the chance, I would kill every one of them in the most painful way. I continued to preach off for god knows how long, until I noticed (y/n) had curled herself into a ball and her shoulders shook. "Oi (y/n), you ok?" I asked as I sat beside her. Then I realised that she was crying. Tears the size of bullets rolled down her soft cheeks. The whole experience must have scarred her very much. Your spells could heal the body, but I didn't have the power to heal the mind.

Hugs and Spells  Misuto Kiriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now