Epi 2: The Lurking Owls

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Days went by and there was still no sign of the mysterious street sword fighters. After that day, Renae got inspiration of one short chapter. She moped around her house waiting for that laugh. She looked out the window just to make sure. The street wasn't busy or even hustling.

Across the street was three masked people who looked like teenagers. They were easily identified as female. The leaned against a pole with black hoods on and a owl mask. The beak stretched down to their necks.

One seemed to look straight at Renae through her window. Renae shut her blinds and ducked down, "what the?" Renae thought. She looked back out and they were taking off their hoods. The middle one looked at Renae again. Why did she keep looking at her? Renae headed out her door leaving it unlocked for reasons. She sat on her step with a CapriSun, watching the teens. From her distance, she heard them talking. She heard "SSR", "Andy" and "mission". Renae couldn't put those words together.

A few minuets later, a black Camero rolled up to the the masked girls. They got in and the car zoomed off. "Okay..this is getting ridiculous!" Renae squeezed her juice making it exploded all over her hand.

It has been three hours since the masked teens left. Luckily, Renae peeked through her blinds and saw the two sword fighters from a few days ago.

"Hey!" Renae beamed, "hey guys!" She slid out her door. The two swordswomen slid down owl masks like the teens had on. She stopped in her tracks.

"Oh, hey window person!" One said. It was harder to tell who said what with the mask covering their mouths, "whattcha been up to-"

"Before you run away, what does SSR mean?!" Renae blurted. The two looked at each other then nodded.

"SSR means...now!" The other said. One of them popped something behind their back and threw a handful of haze powder at Renae. She wobbled, trying to fight it off but she couldn't. She toppled over with hee eyes red as roses.

The same black Camero rolled up to the girls. The driver window rolled down, "nice one girls." The driver said. The girls opened the back door and strapped Renae in. "Thanks Andy, now hit it!"

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