Screen Saver

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Toms POV
I cant belive it! She just set me as her screen saver i quickly grabbed my phone and took a pic of her and set it as my homescreen. Soon everyone dating had thier boyfriend or girlfriend as thier homescreen.


Stamps is going to the store today cause all we have is malto meal mix.
Its bloody raining out side so he has to be careful. I was in my room playing minecraft on my phone when amy jumps in....

"hello ashy how are you?" she questions.

"im doing quite well actually but i dont know about stamps hes going off alone to the store." i respond

"dont feel so worried ashy pashy hes already gone and is about to come back any second" she reassures me.

"thanks amy" i say "you always make me feel better".

"im glad" she responds.

I sit up and walk into the living room with amy. Squaishey is weeping about stampy being gone. Nichole is telling squid that stampys fine. Tom is helping netty belive her brother will be fine.

Squaisheys POV

I was sad stampy left me alone at this home with theses people. As soon as thunderstrikes we get a call from 911.
I answer it while everyone gathers round. I put my phone on speaker and everyone remains silent.

"hello" i whimper "is something wrong?"

The doctors respond and say " Are you Related to Joseph Garret?"

"why yes i am im his sister" i say infering to netty.

"well"the doctor says "He got struck by lightning and he is being rush to the hospital JMCG."

"im on my way" i say determindly.

We all hop in the car and i start driving nobody says anything. We pull up into the hospital parking lot and see a nurse waiting for us to come.inside. we all enter and ask her where Joseph Garrets room is.

"room 29 heres the key "she say politely.

Nettys POV

I was scared out of my witts. Tom was hugging me to keep me comforted. I was still worried my brother wouldnt survive. We sit in the waiting room and wait. I finally stand up and say

"does anyone have money im starving"

Squaishey had a 1 dollar bill
I had a quarter
Tom had 5 dimes
Nichole had a penny and
squid had 10 bucks
Amy has a half dollar
And ash had a nickel

"just great i say we only have 12 dollars and 31 cents." i say thats not enough to feed all of us" i sit back down.

"that could be" Tom responds " if we all get 1 muffin at the cafe downstairs".

We all hop up and everyone hands tom their money,including me, and me and tom walk down the stairs to the cafe while everyone stands there waiting. Me and Tom get up to the counter and order everyones food it cost 12.01 so all we had left was 30 cents.

We walk up stair and everyone is gone. Me and tom walk around. I lead him to joes room and i hear voices

"they are in their" i say

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