It's Just a Prank!

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Stamps POV

Why is Squaishey hugging me?

I thought she hated me?

So many questions run through my head.

I open my eyes and see people hugging me.

I move my arms to exit the embrace.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

We all sit In comfortable silence.

Then Amy remembers something.

"Ash has his court thing today, we have to go"

They all look at me and i give a warm smile and they all nod.

They look at me then leave but squaishey stays behind.

"Stamps" she sobs.

"It was just a prank"

She winks with tears in her eyes and leaves to catch up to the others.

Ashs POV

I get out of the room and their is that man in the other seat.

All of my friends sit beside me and I immediately realize Stamps has gone missing.

"Guys, where's Stamps?"

They look down to the floor.

"The hospital" Squid squeaks.

"Oh sorry" I say.

The court starts and calls up squaishey.

"Judge that day my fateful friends took it apon them to come rescue me from him.Amy had originally brought the gun but was too scared so she gave it to ash. If anything this man was abusing me and my friends were just trying to save me" Squaishey puffs out.

"Defendent? Is this true?"

"Yes" he says sadly.

"Then it is over Ash you are released as for you, you are going to jail."

Me and ash hug then others join in and it becomes a group hug.

We walk out and mine and Amys hands intertwined.

We drive back to the hospital to give Stamps some commpany.

Every night from then we spent at the hospital.

We woke up one morning amy sitting on my lap.

A nurse comes in and tells us Stamps an leave.

We all jump exitedly.

Stamps goes and changes out of the hospital crossing the road in a line all fingers intertwined.

**time skip**

Stamps POV

Everyone has gone home and Squaishey has moved into my house.

We have been on five dates me always try to be romantic but fail.

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