chapter 1

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authors note: this is kind of an intro/background information so just bear with me, hope you like it :)
Ali knew from a very young age what she wanted to do. Her ultimate dream was to be a professional soccer player and she did everything she could to achieve it. While the other girls were playing dress up and doctor, she was practicing soccer with her best friend Heather. Ali and Heather had the same dream of being a soccer star, hence the start of their friendship.

Now Ali was walking into her first national team camp with Heather by her side like it had always been.
"Wow Ali can you believe it? we have come so far"
"I know. It was a hard road to get here but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else"
"Awe same here". The two friends high fived and made their way into coach Jill's office. "Ah Ali, Heather! so lovely to finally meet you both" stated an extremely excited coach Jill
"Wow same here. it's a pleasure to finally meet you. you are THE soccer coach to play for" Heather gushed, causing Jill to blush and Ali to roll her eyes. 'There goes HAO with the Irish charm again' she thought and laughed. She was caught in her thoughts when she heard Jill
"So Ali how has the Spirit been treating you?" "Oh um good. really good!"
"That's great to hear"
"And how about you Heather, is Sky Blue everything you wished?"
"Oh my gosh yes and so much more!"
"That's wonderful girls. I'm going to let you go enjoy yourselves, here is the schedule and rooms, have a great rest of your afternoons" "Bye thank you". They walked around exploring the grounds and checking out the schedule
"Kriegs this is going to be so fun! Too bad we can't room together though"
"I know but at least we are just across the hall from each other and I have heard your roommate Kelley is an fun Irish girl" "Really?! I have to go find her. See ya later Ali" Heather yelled as she ran off to go find her future Irish soul sister. Ali just shook her head in amusement and decided to go check out her room and maybe catch up on the new book her mom had given to her when she was dropped off at the airport.

As she opened the door the first thing she noticed was a stunning blonde girl who was fast asleep on one of the beds. As she was unpacking her stuff she looked at the girl's soccer bag and it read - Ashlyn Harris. Ali was so curious so she pulled up the current roster and saw Ashlyn was a goalkeeper. Once she finished unpacking she got into her bed and started on her new book. All of a sudden she felt Ashlyn stir so she looked over but Ashlyn was already looking at her.
"Hey I'm Ashlyn"
"I'm Ali."

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