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Jackson's POV
It was hailing with thunder. Ramona got scared and asked if she could sleep with me. I didn't want to make it obvious I liked her so I said fine after the 6th beg. She fell asleep wrapping her arms around me. "Woah.", I thought for a second. I can't believe it, but I think Ramona likes me too. I just cuddled with her but I couldn't stop staring. Ramona was adorable when she sleeps. I didn't just like this girl anymore. I loved her. She is so beautiful, funny, talented, caring, sweet, easy to talk to, and I just melt when I see her now.

Ramona's POV
     I woke up in Jackson's arms, as he cuddled into me. I wonder if he likes me, I told my mom, my dad, Stephanie, and DJ. They're all rooting for Jamona (our "ship" name or whatever). I wanted it to be real. I looked over at Jackson and gazed at him as he slept. Jackson woke up. "Morning Ramona.", he said slowly getting up. I wanted to stay there in the bed with him but DJ called us for breakfast. We ate the usual DJ and Stephanie family breakfast platter.

Jackson's POV
      Ramona and I were staring at each other. Everyone except Max and I were squealing. Did Ramona say she liked me to them? I hope so. Everyone got ready, my mom made our lunches (Ramona actually likes it), and we make our way to school. I walked into my Algebra class while Ramona went to English. It was lunch and I ate with Ramona and Lola plus Lola's friends. Honestly Lola's friends were pretty annoying but I didn't care I finished first and left earlier than everyone else. I just grabbed my science stuff and waited outside class.

Ramona's POV
Lola suddenly gave me a look and it wasn't a nice one. "What's with the face?", I asked curiously. She slapped me right across the face. "Stay away from my boyfriend, by the way we aren't friends anymore. Stay away from Jackson, actually I shouldn't be worried, you're too ugly for him." The girls suddenly laughed at me and I ran into the girls bathroom crying. I saw Jackson as I ran and I knew he was gonna try to find out what happened. I came out crying, knowing Jackson would just comfort me. So I desperately ran to him.

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