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The first week of classes went by in a blur and at the end of the school day on Friday she was heading back to her car when a hand clasped around hers and she was pulled into the owners' side. She looked up to see Taehyung smiling at her as he threw his arms around her shoulders.

"What's the plan, babe?"

She laughed lightly, "Hm, I'm going home and you're going on your merry way."

"Wow, so you're really not excited to see me huh? You've been friend-zoning the crap out of me all week."

"Yeah, because thats what we are. Friends." She rolled her eyes and laughed again, a little more coldly than was usual for her toward him before shaking his arm off of her.

"Woah there girl, where's this coming from?"

"From the lord," she said dryly. "I don't want people to get the wrong idea about us."

"What do you mean?" He grabbed her hand and stopped her before she could walk out of the building.

"This boy," she mumbled to herself with a roll of her eyes. "Madison? Did you forget about your girlfriend? I don't want people to think I'm some... home wrecker. Stealing boyfriends." She pulled her hand out of his and began walking again.

When she reached her car Taehyung leaned back on her door. "First of all, Madison isn't my girlfriend, stupid. And second, you're my best friend. Don't you think I would've told you about her if that was the case? How do you know Madison anyway?"

"She told me. My first class is with her. Now please, stop harassing me Mr. Kim." She tried to push him off her door but he didn't budge.

"So this is why you've been giving me the cold shoulder," he mumbled to himself with a shake of his head. "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't mention Madison but she's not my girlfriend. She's my prom date. That's all, I promise."

"Mhm, sure thing. Can I leave now?"

He pulled her into him and placed his hands on her hips, "Are you perhaps jealous my dearest Rose?"

Her heart started beating rapidly and she suddenly felt shy. Did he really have that sort of affect on her? She tried to brush the feeling off as she pushed away from him and rolled her eyes. "Get off of my nice automobile with your nonsense."

"Mhm anyway, what are you doing tonight?" He smiled as he held one of her hands and walked closer to her.

"Unpacking." She said flatly.

"I want to see you tonight. I'll pick you up at 8."

"The fuck? Why 8?" She asked, confused as to what they could do at that hour but also curious what he had in mind.

"Because that's the time I chose." He stepped away from her car so she could open the door. "I'll see you tonight." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Whatever, Mr. Kim." She got in her car and inserted her keys to turn it on cheek feeling like it was burning at the place he had kissed her.

"See you tonight, Mrs. Kim." He winked.

Rose paused, looking up at him in disbelief but could feel her stomach doing crazy little flips over his teasing. He had to stop. "Oh my g— Boy, if you don't get out of here with that." She laughed as he walked away to his own car, closing her door and starting up her car so that she could be on her way as well.

"Tonight!" Taehyung called back before he slipped into the drivers side of his car, laughing at her reaction.

She rolled her eyes as she pulled out of her spot, trying to will herself to be cool as she made her way back home but she was feeling really nervous. She and Taehyung behaved this way towards one another all the time but interacting in person was completely different than face timing or texting. She looked in the mirror as she sat at a red light.

"Jesus Christ Taehyung it's only my first week back," she said to herself, tapping her fingers on the stirring wheel as that same little voice from earlier made itself apparent once more.

No boys.

"No boys," she repeated out loud this time, scoffing softly to herself as she focused on the road before her.

Rose Gold - (Taehyung BTS) AMBWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora