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After dinner, everyone went outside to take advantage of the Autumn air. The sun was slowly beginning to set, so the sky showed beautiful hues of red, pink and orange. It was breathtaking.

Rose headed up to her room to retrieve her phone, which she had forgotten in her rush to not be scolded by her mother. She grabbed her phone off her desk and was greeted by messages from Jason.

Jason: How are you?

Jason: Rose?

Jason: You must be busy... Text me when you can 🙂

Rose: Hey Jason, sorry about that

Rose: I was having dinner with my family and guests

Jason replied almost immediately.

Jason: Oh, that's ok!

Jason: How did the dinner go?

Rose: Great! It was nice to have everyone together again

Jason: That's awesome to hear

Jason: Are you still busy with them now then?

Rose: Nah, we've dispersed throughout the house haha

Her door opened and Taehyung walked in. "Hey, there you are. Why're you up here instead of being social?" He sat next to her and took out his own phone.

She gave him the side eye, "Because you're down there."

"Well, now I'm up here." He smirked and scooted closer to her.

She felt that fluttering in her stomach again and looked down to her hands. He raised an eyebrow, "You ok?"

"Yeah, why?" She gave him a small smile before looking away.

"You seem nervous. You hiding something from me Rose?" He playfully asked.

She chuckled lightly, "And if I was?"

Taehyung gently cupped her chin to turn her face in his direction. "You look really pretty tonight."

"Thanks," she said as she removed his fingers from her chin. She was thrown off by his sudden compliment and tried to change the subject. "Did you hear our mothers talking about us?"

He laughed, "Yeah, they really want us to get together."

She stood up and walked to her window. "They're like teenage girls sometimes." She said and watched some kids playing in a backyard near by.

He approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. He placed his chin on her shoulder and smiled, "Yeah."

Her heart began racing with his body so close to hers. She could smell his body wash and it was making her dizzy in the best way.

"I've missed having you around." Listening to Taehyung's deep voice speaking quietly in her ear sent shivers down her spine. He waited for her to speak but after he received no reply, he turned her to face him.

He placed his hands on either side of her on the windowsill and closed the space between them. He playfully smiled at her, "Did you miss me?" She tried to turn away but he put his hand son her hips to held her in place. "How are we supposed to get married when you won't act like you care?" He furrowed his eyebrows but continued to smile.

"Marriage?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Our mothers have basically begun planning our wedding day," he laughed then gave her a seductive grin. He leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear, "What do you say we practice our kiss for the big day?"

She stayed frozen in her spot. He moved so that he was looking in her eyes, searching for a 'no', while their faces were dangerously close. He began leaning in closer but right before their lips connected her phone signaled that she had a message. Taehyung saw the name and looked at her, confused.


Rose Gold - (Taehyung BTS) AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now