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On Friday, the town was buzzing with excitement about that evenings homecoming game. Rose walked in the doors of Millar high school and was met with school spirit around every corner. The marching band, cheerleaders and football players were all wearing their uniforms while the rest of the students wore their class shirts.

Rose's high school back in the city was similar, except it was never this intense. Even the adults were highly invested in the event. Businesses in town were trying clever ways to get people to pay for things and neighbors put up signs and banners in support of the team.

Rose walked into her English class and sat in her usual seat next to Madison. Madison made a snorting noise and Rose looked at her questioningly.

"Got something to say?" Rose asked, irritated at her petty antics.

Madison rolled her eyes, "You're talking to me because?"

"Well you obviously wanted the attention. Either you say whatever's on your mind or you shut up with your disgusting pig noises." Rose said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Did you just call me a pig?!" Madison glared at her.

"If the shoes fits," Rose glared back.

"Rose, Madison, please stop talking while I'm explaining your next paper." Their teacher huffed.

They gave one another a dirty look before focusing on the teacher.

When Rose walked into her art class, Jason wasn't at his seat like usual; he was sitting on two girls table. They were looking at him with big adoring eyes as if he was the king and they were honored to be in his presence, let alone be talking to him.

After a few minutes he looked over to their table and saw Rose on her phone. He took his seat next to her and gave her a one arm hug.

"Hey gorgeous, how's it going?" He smiled.

"It's going," she smiled. "How about you?"

"Better now," he looked her straight in the eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat under his intense gaze. She looked away and tried to stay calm. He took her hand in his, "So are you excited for the party tonight to celebrate our win?"

She slid her hand away and laughed, "You're that sure you'll win?"

"I'm Jason Morris, of course we'll win." He winked.

She sighed, "You're not all that."

"You think that now, but you just wait babe." He kissed her cheek and moved away quickly.

She stared at him in disbelief before punching his arm. "Is it too late to change my seat?"

That night Rose and her friends stood at the gates of their school stadium waiting to give their tickets and find their seats in the bleachers.

"Is it always this packed at the homecoming games?" She asked, irritated that it was taking so long to get in.

"Always." Namjoon and Hoseok answered at the same time.

She frowned and turned forward. From the corner of her eye she noticed a guy from the rival school staring at her. He was tall, dark skinned, and pretty muscular. He wore jeans, a baseball jersey with their school logo and white and black Jordan's. Even though it was getting slightly darker outside, the earrings in his ear shined brightly. He was a pretty good looking guy.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Nahh, it's just, what's a fine girl like you doing around these guys?" He said, gesturing to the guys.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She frowned.

"I'm not gunna sugar coat this: why don't you get you a black guy? You'll be more satisfied that way," he winked.

"Dude, are you serious right now? That's so rude." Lacy responded shaking her head.

"I'm just saying, wouldn't you actually want to feel what's going on?" He licked his lips before taking a few steps towards her "I can do you right, show you what you're missing."

Taehyung wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his side. "Don't talk to her like that. She's a woman, not a toy." He said, glaring at the guy.

"Oh, is this your boyfriend?" He smirked.

"Yes," Taehyung responded before she'd even opened her mouth.

The guy looked Taehyung up and down. "If you ever want to experience a real man, you know where to find me." He winked at her before walking away.

Taehyung and the other guys glared at him as he walked away. "How can guys just talk to women so carelessly?"

Rose smiled at him, "I don't know but thanks for defending me."

He looked down at her and gave her a warm smile, "It's my job to protect you."

Rose's face heated up under his gaze. She also noticed that his arm hadn't left her waist as they entered the stadium.

*Filler chapter... Sorry this was boring*

Rose Gold - (Taehyung BTS) AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now