If the road gets tough

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Karkat's POV

Me and Eridan had been great, we would eat lunch together. Or talk about how our parents are just annoying.

I honestly loved it when Eridan pets my hair when I'm no his lap. It's a peaceful moment, I could just forget the whole Nepeta dating me thing.

I honestly don't know fucking why my father would put me with her. I mean she's ok and all. But kinda annoying with her following me and all. Specially her high pitch voice calling me 'karkitty" I don't even like cats.

Eridan petted my hair has I talked on and on about I don't agree with this, saying I would rather die than that.

"Don't say that kar, I'll be lonely without you." He said as he petted my hair. I blushed a little as I looked up at him. "Really?" He nodded as he petted my hair.

"But I know my father would force me into that." He was silence as if he was thinking about something. "Kar... I don't want you be sent away to those anti-gay camps.." I got off of his lap looking at him.

"What do you mean by this shit?"

"If you disagree by dating her.. Your dad might think of something. Think your gay and you are, than you'll be sent away. Believing that loving someone is wrong... And would hate me."

I got a sadden look as he said I would hate. Not in my own fucking shitty ass life.

"Fuck those prison hating homos camps. Most people are still gay after coming out of that hell hole." I put my hand on his cheek, he looked at me with his beautiful violet eyes of his. "Plus if I ever do go, I'll be thinking of you and only you because you are my heaven in this shit hole." He blushed and kissed me.

I kissed back deeply showing him I loved him. After a moment or two, we broke the kids looking into each other eyes. "But fuck that, I'm not going to anti-gay prison!"

"Than what are you gonna do?" He asked, I think I might have to date nepeta than just break up with her later on. Like a month or two, but wouldn't I be cheating?

Fuck this sucks, I looked at Eridan as he waited for the answer. "I guess dating her.." I said. I sigh as I payed back down on eridan's lap.

"What if you fall for her?" He asked, oh my fucking God eridan. "No, I'm fucking gay!"

"Yea but a gay guy can fall for a girl, like a straight guy can fall for a guy."

"No! Your the only one for me ok!?" As glared at him. He sigh and nodded, "ok."

"I'll even fuck you to prove it." As kissed his neck. "No Kar..." He moaned softly "we have school tomorrow..." I stop and kissed him, he kissed me.

We kissed for a moment and broke. "I love you Eridan." He smiled and put his hand on my cheek. "I love you more." I chuckled.


I sadly been dating Nepeta for 1 month and it's a really fucking drag. She keeps me on a tight tight leash, she doesn't listen to me, and to damn clingy.

Nepeta has to check my phone like every damn day, I can't really hang out with my friends nor Eridan. If I'm late on a date it something she gets all mad.


Every time I tell her something that I don't like, she gets that thing. Like for example, I tell her I don't like cats. She gets me a cat things, I don't fucking like cats. She keeps calling me karkitty which I really fucking hate.

Every damn day she wants to have a date with me. Which I always say 'I'm to busy' or 'not feeling it'. She even wants to have sex, which I lied saying I'm keeping my 'virginity' until I marry.

I miss Eridan, I feel like I'm destroying our relationship by doing this. I know he said it's ok, but I feel his sad stare when I'm holding hands with Nepeta. I want to hold his hand, I want to kiss his cheek, I want to have cheesy cliché dates with him.

But no, I'm here with nepeta.

"Karkitty, I was thinking we should go to the mall. It's purrfect." As she used her cat puns, I groaned. God damn it, "Sorry, I'm not feeling good today."

"But karkitty!! You always say those things!" I roles my eyes. "Sorry."

She groaned as she rested her head on my shoulder, I looked where Eridan was. He looked at me.

He smiled sadly and I felt so bad. I gave him a sad look. Before I could wave, Sollux came over to talk to Eridan. I heard some of if, nothing more than a project.

I looked down at nepeta as she had her eyes closed and smiled. I really want this hell to end.

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