Chapter 2- Love Advice

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Poppy's POV

I was sitting in the castleteria with some friends, everyone was talking about true hearts day, like who was asking and going out with who to the dance, I was mostly just listening till Courtly said "Well, we all know Poppy's going with Sparrow" I blushed "W-what, why would you say that, me and Sparrow have just started talking to each other" she smirked "I'm just saying you and Sparrow looked pretty close, walking in the halls together" "Yesterday, he just asked if we could walk to class together, that's all" "You know, I must agree with Courtly, you two would make a wonderful couple" Lizzie said. Raven agreed "Yeah, you two be totally wicked together" while Ashlynn nodded, I just looked away and blushed.          

Sparrow's POV

I was looking over at Poppy's table until someone started shaking my shoulder and calling my name, it was Dexter, I shook my head "Sorry man, must have spaced out their, what" he smiled "You like Poppy, don't you" I blushed "No way man, I Sparrow Hood, don't do crushes" he raised an eyebrow "Really." I sighed "Alright fine, yeah I like her, but it doesn't matter she'd never fall for a guy like me" he put his hand on my shoulder "You know, you could ask Cupid for advice" I thought about it, that was a great idea "Your a genius Dexter, knew that big brain of yours would come in handy" so I got out my mirror phone.      

Cupid's POV

I was getting ready for my radio show with Blondie, my Aunt was going to be my co-host so I introduced them "Aunt Aphrodite, this Blondie my friend and roommate" Blondie bowed and said "Its a pleasure to meet you, your ah, Godliness" "Please, theirs no need for that, you can call me Ms. Aphrodite if you like" "Alright." That's when Humphrey came in and said "Cupid, your on in 3" me and my Aunt put our headphones on and started show. "Hello fairy tales, Cupid here, with true hearts day right corners, I'll be here to give out advice, also we have a very guest, my Aunt Aphrodite the Greek goddess of love, so call in with your romantic problems" I was surprised we already had a caller "Looks like we have our first caller, so caller what's in your heart." "Well I really like this girl" it was Sparrow, I could tell by his voice "But every time I try to ask a girl out, they always reject me" I felt so bad for him "Well I think the best thing to do, is to let her get to know you and show her how much you care about her" "Alright, thanks Cupid."               


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