Chapter 3- Blushing

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Poppy's POV

Me and Ash were at our lockers when Sparrow walked up to us "Hello fair maidens, you two are looking as spellbinding as ever today" we rolled our eyes"What do you want Sparrow" I asked, he  started rubbing the back of his neck "Well since we have science and sorcery, I was wondering if you'd like to walk to class together" he was blushing a bit "Oh, um sure Sparrow" Ashlynn was smiling, I rolled my eyes, it didn't mean anything, I grabbed my books and we head off to class. We found out in class we were making a wing potion, which sounds wicked awesome, who wouldn't want a pair of wings to fly. Me and Sparrow got our equipment out when I accidently knocked his notebook on floor "Don't worry, I'll get it" I went to grabbed it when I noticed it was open, I blushed on the page it said Ms. Poppy Hood, oh my grim does Sparrow like me. We started mixing the potion but I wasn't really paying attention since all I could think about was the notebook, until the potion blew up right in Sparrows face "Oh my grim, I'm so sorry Sparrow, I wasn't paying attention" he had ashes all over his face so I grabbed a cloth and started wiping it off. That's when our eyes met, his eyes were a beautiful emerald, how have I never noticed before.    

Sparrow's POV

Poppy was cleaning my face when her sparkling blue eyes met mine, they were a beautiful mix of sea foam green and blue, I couldn't look away. We both started blushing but still kept staring into each others eyes, till someone screamed "Mr. Hood and Ms. O'Hair!" It was professor Rumpelstiltskin, everyone was looking at us and some were giggling, we blushed, quickly turned away from each other and started working again, then our hands touched we quickly pulled away but out of the corner of my eyes I could see Poppy smiling, I looked down at my hand thinking about how she gently touched my cheeks and hand.                   

Cupid the Goddess of loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن