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Credit to +napu on YouTube

                Komaeda woke up in Makoto's arms. He was scared. But why? Komaeda squiggled out of Makoto's grip and fell to the floor. He was knocked unconcious. " KOMAEDA! " Makoto shouted.

          11:34pm, The Lab.
Komaeda woke up, he couldn't remember anything. But he saw a man in his early twenties looking down at him with hazel-green eyes. Komaeda could only stare, and feel hurt. He didn't know why there was a pain in his chest. He just shrugged and close his eyes. " Do you remember? " said a voice. Komaeda opened his eyes to realize that the brunette was talking to him. Komaeda sighed and trend to sit up. He mumbled a 'no' and closed his eyes, indicating he was sleeping. " Do you..." The brunette spoke up. " Feel anything? " Komaeda kept quiet and went back to lying down with his eyes closed. He still didn't now the feeling in his chest. And he new, the brunette was already gone.
             Makoto sighed and sat beside Komaeda. Togami had asked Hajime to question him, but nothing came. " Can you...get out of here? " Makoto's eyes grew wide. It couldn't be. Had he caught the Despair disease. It was possible Komaeda still has it. Makoto reached for Komaeda's forehead. Instead of boiling hot, it was freezing cold.  

But didn't you leave me first?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora