Chapter Four

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Kae’s House, 9:13 am.


It’s a new dawn, It’s a new day, It’s a new life. For meeee. And I’m feelin’ gooooooood.

I grin to myself as I open my eyes. Last night with Jermaine was oh so perfect. Of course it was cut brutally short after Kae came out the cut to kick all of her leftover guests out of her house. But I’ll take what I can get. And what I got was an up close and personal taste of Jermaine. Damn, I feel good. I look down at the other end of the bed and see Kae still snoring. I kick her. “Get up, bitch. I feel too good to be laid up in the bed with you all day.”

 Now I know that waking up Kae before she has her full 13 hours of sleep is some dangerous ass shit so I wasn’t surprised when she responded with “Fuck you, Mae. I’m tryin’ to get some goddamn sleep. So if you value your fuckin’ life you’d get the fuck away from me before I fucking end you. Got it?” I smiled. Kae’s over-usage of the word fuck doesn’t scare me. I start to twerk on the bed while singing the ‘Wake-Yo-Ass-Up’ song. Written by yours truly of course. “Wake, wake, wake, wake that ass up. Wake that ass up. C’mon and wake that ass up!” I sang close to Kae’s ear. The bitch tried to punch me. That’s my cue to leave. Ain’t nobody got time for a black eye. “Fine. I’ll see your ass later.” I hop off the bed and head downstairs for some cereal.

Jermaine’s Room. 11:20 am.


I stare at the phone. It stares back at me. I’ve been lying in bed for about an hour wondering if I should call her. How early is too early? I don’t wanna seem like a weirdo that doesn’t have anything better to do than bother her. But I really wanna talk to her. And see her. And kiss her again. Should I call her now…or wait? And just like that Jesus took the decision right out of my hands; my phone buzzed and it was the beautiful Melea. Look at God working it out. Praise Him. I looked at my phone, it was a text.

Goodmorning J!

Morning Beautiful. How are you?

I’m so good right now. You?

Better now that I’m talkin to you. So wassup?

Haha Wanna chill later?


Yeah, sure. That’d be cool.

Okay, meet me at the park on Main in about…2 hours?

Okay. See you then, Melea.


I laid back down on my bed. Well, that was easier than I thought.

Park. 1:47pm.


I check my phone for the 4 gazillionth time. Where is he? I’ve been sitting on this bench for like 20 minutes and still no Jermaine. I know I shouldn’t have asked him to meet me here. I get up and start to pace in front of the bench. I should’ve done what Kae said and waited for him to ask me. Nobody wants a girls that’s so obviously desperate! Now I’ve ruined everything, I- “Hey beautiful.” My stomach erupts with butterflies as I turn around and see his smile. “Hi.” I say, my mouth suddenly dry. Then I remember that he’s late. “Where have you been?” I mock glare at him. “I know, I’m sorry.” He looks worried. “But you only gave me two hours to get everything ready.” Now I’m curious. “Get what ready?” He only grins and takes my hand. His hand is warm and slightly rough. We walk to a more secluded part of the park where there is a picnic laid out on top of a huge rock. “Jermaine..” I say as I dig through the basket. There’s sandwiches and fruit, juice, my favorite candy , a radio and a pack of bubbles. “What?” He says nervously. I hug him. “It’s perfect.” I lean back and stare into his beautiful brown eyes. He tugs back the end of one of my pigtails so my head tilts upward and kisses me. “It is now.” He whispers.

A/N: Now I know, I know. It's been forever since I updated. And this is REALLY short. But I made it short and sweet so it could hit you right in the feels. Vote/Comment pwetty pwease ?  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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