Chapter Tres

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“You okay?” a voice says above my head. I'm sitting outside on the patio by myself 'cause I don't feel like seeing Melea all hugged up on ole dude in there. I look up and it's that girl from earlier, the one who can't dance worth a damn. “Oh, yeah. I'm fine.” I lie. She looks me up and down. “You don't look okay, sitting out here all by your lonesome.” she replies. “I'm just- I'm. I don't know.” I say. She giggles. “Well while you figure that out why don't we chill for a bit.” she says. “Okay” I look at the girl, really look at her. She's pretty. Beautiful really with her gorgeous brown skin and those big eyes. “I'm Jermaine.” I say. She smiles. “I'm Reyna.” “Well Reyna, what's a pretty girl like you doing out here with me? You should be at the party.” She shoots me a look. “Now I know and you know and everybody in that party knows that dancing is not for me. I came with my friend because she begged me.” she says. “But if you know that you can't dance then why did you dance with me?” I ask her. “You looked like you could use some company. And you're cute.” she says quietly. “Oh.” is the only thing I can think to say.

We just sit there quietly as the sounds of the end of that slow song filter through the door. “So who's that girl?” she asks. “What girl?” I say. “The one who cut into our dance. The one you were about to mouth-rape before that other guy stepped in.” she responds. I glare. Not at her or anything. I just glare in general. “That was who I want to be my girl. But we're obviously not on the same page.” I say. “Wait. Were you...watching us?” I ask her. She looks down at the ground. “Maybe.” she says. I laugh. “Stalker-ish, don't you think?” I say. “Oh shut up!” she screeches. We both crack up. She's surpisingly easy to talk to. "So why were you watchin me?" I ask her. "I already told you this. You're cute. I keep my eyes on everything attractive and I saw what happened." I loved how even though her voice got quieter, it didn't waver and her eyes never moved from mine. That showed confidence. She seems really cool. "I know you're upset about it, though." she says. "Upset about what?" she glares at me. "About that girl and that guy." she replies quietly. I decide not to bullshit. "Yeah, I'm pretty upset..." she looks at me with this tender expression. "I could change that..."


“Thanks for the dance, Calvin. I'll see you later.” I say as I walk away from him and a fast song starts. Calvin's sexxxy as hell, I'll admit. But I didn't feel one butterfly for him. And I'm mad as hell that he tried to cut in when he did. Like what? I hate him for that. UGH! But I don't know why I left. I know J was about to kiss me, I know it. I can feel his lips now. So pink and juicy and soft. Where the hell is that boy? I'm searching around the party for him. There's so many body's packed tight in Kae's living room. Suddenly I see Kae. “HEY KAE, you've seen Jermaine?” I yell over the music. “YEAH. ON THE PATIO!” she screams while twerking furiously on this nice looking Hispanic dude. I walk toward the patio and open the door. “Hey Jermaine I-” I start to say. You know that feeling in your stomach that you get when you know something's wrong? Yeah. That's exactly how I feeling.

I look on the patio. And Jermaine's there. Kissing the pretty girl I saw him dancing with earlier. Shit. My stomach sinks all the way to the floor. I sit there and stare for a second. They're locked around each other like they're the only two people on earth. “Excuse me” I say quietly. “I'm sorry to interrupt.” I say as I open the door. I'm racing upstairs as tears start to fall. I hear something that sounds like “Wait- Melea!” but I don't turn around. It hurts so much.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! I think as I race upstairs. I'm probably not supposed to be running through the top floors of Kae's house but I don't care. I just need to get to Melea. I see her run into a room and slam the door. I try to turn the door, it's locked. “Melea, open the door please. Let me explain.” I say. Silence. “Melea, please!” I beg. More silence. “Melea! Melea!” I say as I pound on the door. “Go away Jermaine! I never wanna see you again.” she says. She's crying. I made her cry. “Baby, you don't mean that.” I say softly. There's a pause in the crying. “Wait. Just hold up a fucking minute. What the hell did you just call me?”she says in a deadly tone. Oh Lord. “Baby” I say quietly. She laughs. A scary, hysteric laugh. “ I wasn't your baby 5 minutes ago when you were sticking your tongue down Thick and Pretty's throat. How about you go down to the party and finish what you started.” she says.

“But, Melea I-” I start to say. “Just go Jermaine. Go.” she says in a fierce whisper. And I walk away from her. Hurting 'cause I just made a stupid ass mistake.

I go back downstairs and to the patio. "Thick and Pretty" is sitting on the patio couch where I left her. "Why'd you run off like that?" she asks with a flirtatious smile. "Because Melea saw us." I mutter. "Melea? Oh. That girl. Just forget about her. She obviously doesn't want you." I stare at her. "Whoa, there. Forget about her? I like her a lot, hell I'm half-way in love with her. There's no way in hell I could ever forget about her." I say, progressively getting louder. Rayna looks pissed. "So where was all this love when you were kissing me?" she asks. "YOU were the one who kissed ME even though YOU know I was out here all sad over HER. I don't want you like that. But you offered me comfort and I took it." I exclaim.

Her face shuts down. "Oh. So you were just using me!?" I sigh. "I really don't want to say it like that. But basically. Yeah." I say. And then walk back into the party.


I haven't seen Melea in awhile. The party isn't over for another hour. I wonder where she went. I go upstairs and hear crying in the guest bedroom. "Melea? Is that you, boo?" I call out. There isn't an answer but the door unlocks. I go in and see Melea red-eyed, tears streaming down her face sitting on the floor. "Mae! What's wrong, darlin'?" She just stared at me for a long time. Then she looked at the wall. "I-I went downstairs to se-see Jermaine and....and he was ki-kissing some bitch!" she gets out inbetween cries. "You're lying." I say. "NOPE, he and some biddy were kissing on your fuckin patio." "What? What happened?" I asked her. So she told me the whole story. I only interrupted her on one part. "What the fuck? What kind of fuckery is that? You left with Calvin. And DIDN'T kiss Jermaine? Is something wrong with you?" I asked her. "I don't know." She says sadly. "I just...left." We sat in silence for a minute. "You need to go talk to Jermaine and see where you stand. Tonight. Now." I said. "I don't wanna talk to that lying, cheating man-whore!" She yells. "Technically he didn't cheat. You guys aren't together. But if you want to be, you havta talk to him." I calmly state. "Fine." She says. "I'll do it." She gets up and walks out the door."


I don't even try to look through the people in the crowded living room. I race straight to the patio. The cool air rushes around my face, it feels nice. It dries my tears. I sit down on that same damn chair that Jermaine and that...female were kissing on. That makes me even more sad. I feel tears well up behind my eyes. Nope, I'm not gonna start that up again. I was crying for about an hour before Kae came to check on me. The door to the house swings open. And guess who it is? Jermaine. I don't even know what to say. So I stick with the simple. "Hey." He looks at me for a long time. A long, long time. "I think we're a little past that, don't you think?" he says with a grin. My stomach erupts with butterflies. "Jermaine..." I say. He sits down next to me. "Hm?" is his reply. "What exactly did I walk in on earlier? Is she your girl?" I ask as calmly as I can manage. But I'm slowly breaking down inside.

"No! She isn't anything of mine. She's just someone I met tonight." My eyes burn into his face. "Oh, so do you always go around kissing females you just met?" I struggle for control. "No, she was comforting me because I was upset that you just off and left with Pretty Boy." he defends himself. "Comforting you? Is that what that's called?" "Yes, comforting me because I wanted to kiss you so damn bad and you just up and left me like I wasn't shit. So when she said he could make me feel better I hopped at the chance." I freeze inside. "I'm glad to know I'm so easily replaced." I say. "That's the point! You're not easily replaced. Your anything but replaceable! No matter how many times I kissed her I knew that she could never be you, no matter how much I wanted her too be." he says loudly. "Yeah, right. If you really wanted me all you had to do was say-" My words are cut off by a kiss.

It wasn't the sweet, innocent kiss I'd been expecting. It was bruising and passionate. I back away, breathing hard. We stare at each other. "Jermaine..." He grabs the back of my head. And kisses me again.

Long time, no write. This is a longer one because I haven't written in forever. Hope you like it. Vote. Comment. Thanks. (:

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