Undiscovered Part Uno

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BRRINGG! Yes, it is finally lunchtime. I stampede with the rest of the student body to the cafeteria. Enloe is an interesting enough school. Filled with niggas, bitches, bitch niggas, the occasionally sexxxy guy, and some very hot girls.

I drop my bag by a table and get in the lunch line. Thank god I got here early I think as I watch a long ass line forms behind me. The line is moving slow as hell and my stomach is growling like an angry monster. Growlll it says and this cute boy turns around and smiles at me. I blush and turn away. Dammit. The line moves by slow as hell and 15 minutes later I’m at the front.

I look up and I see the boy from earlier scanning the line. He sees me and smiles. “Hey.” He says in this slick voice. I instantly know what’s up. “Oh, so I’m guessing you want a space in line, huh?” I say. He grins at me. “Well, yeah. A place in line would be chill.” I looked at him. I mean really looked at him. And dammit, he’s cute. Adorable with his glasses. Kinda sexxxy with that quick grin. “Wha-What did you say?” I stammer. He flashes me that boyish grin again. “I was sayin’ that I hate waiting in long lines but you were so busy staring at my mouth and licking your lips that you didn’t hear me.”

“What? I wasn’t staring at your mouth. Or licking my lips. I just zoned out, that’s all.” I said defensively. He moves closer to me. “Oh, so you weren’t thinkin of my lips-“ He moves his face a bit closer to mine. “-My lips kissing yours.” He stares into my eyes seductively. Dammit. I might just be in trouble. But I play if off. “Aww, that’s cute. Seems like you have a little crush. You only wish I was thinkin about your lips ‘cause this whole time you were thinkin of mine.” He laughs. “Don’t act like you don’t want me girl, I can see it in your eyes.” He said. Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Nigga, please. If I wanted you, I could have you. In a hot ass second.” I get my pizza and fruit punch and walk back to my table. The boy follows me.


I sit down at the table. “What’s your name?” I ask her. She looks me up and down. “Do you really think I’m going to tell you my name?” she says. I pretend to think about it. “Hmm, maybe if I tell you my name first?” I say. “Maybe” she says in a singsong voice. “Jermaine” I say as I hold out my hand. She looks me up and down again, cocks her head to the side as she thinks then says “Melea” and shakes my hand. “Melea. Well Melea, what grade are you in?” I ask her. “I’m in 11th. You?” she replies. “Aww you’re so young. I’m in 12th.” She rolls her eyes. “’Cause one year is such a long time. Right?” she says sarcastically. God, she’s cute. I laugh. “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?” I ask. She smiles and winks at me “Depends on who’s asking.”

She replies. “Well I’m asking. And I was hoping I could take you out sometime.” I say. “Well keep wondering, slick. I don’t go out with people I’ve just met. And now it’s time to make my exit. Bye Bye Jermaine.” She says as she leaves. The bell rings. As I sit there wondering if I went too damn fast.


A week later 


This first week of school is kicking my ass. I have 4 AP classes; the rest honors, basketball, and I’m still thinking about this damn girl! I haven’t seen her ever since that day in the cafeteria. I go in there every day to check to see if she’s there and she isn’t. As I walk down the hallway to my 4th period class I wonder if I’m going crazy. How can I be this hung up on a girl I don’t even know? How can I continue to think about a smile I’ve only seen a handful of times? How-“Oh, hey Ms. Norton.” I said as I walked into Acting II. I didn’t really want this class, I’d put it down as an alternate when we did registration but I ended up with it anyway. It was a class full of really weird, fun people and I kinda liked it. “Everybody get in a circle, we’re gonna do a warm-up.” Said Ms. Norton enthusiastically. Everybody stood up and made a circle. “I’m gonna teach you a new warm-up today.” She says. “Just repeat everything I say. This is a repeat after-“A girl walks in the door.It’s her! Melea walks into the room and hands Ms. Norton a note. “Well class, this is our new student, Melea.


Damn, damn, damn, dammity, damn! He just had to be in here didn’t he? As soon as I was almost over him he just had to show up looking all sexxxy in that black hoodie, didn’t he? “Everybody partner up and start doing a mirror exercise. Mirror your partner.” Ms. Norton says. Jermaine walks towards me and takes the place next to me in the circle. He smiles at me. I melt.

Dimples. God, I love dimples. “You just couldn’t stay away, could you?” he says. We start to mirror each other. “Hahahaha. No. If I had known you were gonna be in this class I woulda ran right into the other direction.” I reply. His grin becomes bigger. “There’s my lioness in action. I have missed that.” He says. I don’t say anything. “What? Is my charm too much for you to handle?” He says arrogantly. I look up. “Actually no. I’m stuck on whether I should tackle the fact that you called me a lioness, that you actually think I cared that you missed me, or that you think I am anything of yours.” I say.

He laughs. “I love when you get angry. You get a crinkle between your eyebrows and your accent becomes thicker.” He says sweetly. “Keep talking to me this way and you’ll see a very thick accent.” I threaten. “Why are you so mean? I’m a nice guy.” He says innocently. I glare at him. “You don’t fool me, pal. I’ve heard some things about you.”

He looks at me. “Things like what?” I smirk. “Things like you flirt with every girl with a skirt and a sizeable ass. That you have a love em and leave em policy and all your attachments are strictly sexual fun. I don’t approve, so if you think you’re gonna get that way with me, you are sadly mistaken.” I say. “Who told you that?” he says surprised. “None of your business.” I say as I walk away. Thanking God that the exercise is done with.

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