Chapter One

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I know it's weird, but I'm going to dedicate every single chapter for people in my life. This one is to Rene ( fab_felix ) - a clumsy, hilarious, creative, and a truly amazing best friend. I would never have even found Wattpad without you! Thank You ❤

When I wake up, sunlight dances through the room, lightly falling on me. I yawn and stretch, getting up regretfully. There's still an hour before I have to leave for Classes or so the clock on my nightstand tells me. I can smell sweet coffee from the kitchen, and I watch as my sister Kayli brushes her golden hair, as it falls uniformly on her back each time she runs the comb through. "How did you sleep, Abbey?" I answer quietly, "Fine as usual." My mornings always begin like this. Kayli leaves the brush on her bed and walks to the kitchen. She's the favorite daughter, and we all know. Kayli is much more talented than I ever will be. She just makes things look so easy, and when I try, I fail miserably like every single time.

"Abbey, breakfast is on the table!" Mom says quickly. I can almost hear her movements from the sink to the table, to the oven to the microwave, and beyond. "Okay." I reply standing in front of the mirror. Compared to Kayli's glowing honey hair, mine is the color of dark butterscotch. I pick up my brush which I left on the nightstand and start to get through the tangles. After a few minutes, it's perfectly straight and silky. I go ahead to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then come out and smile. Mom made my favorite- pancakes with syrup, and scrambled eggs and bacon. I take a seat and start eating, before I notice a difference. Mom must have read my mind or something because she says, "Your father has gone to the Diamond Division. We don't know why, but the letter in the mail said for him to go to the Castle." She says this like it is nothing. Like she doesn't know how it can be possible that the Royals can behead dad with one movement of their hands. "He'll be alright." I nod at Kayli's reply. She finds something to say in every scenario.

"Abbey, you need to go to your Classes. Have you packed?" "Yes, I packed up yesterday. Do you want me to get anything on my way back?" Mom hesitates for a few seconds. "It's dangerous for you to go out there, Abbey. Especially now. We do need some things, but I'll get them myself." Of course, Kayli must step in saying, "It's fine, Mom. I can get them for you. The hospital isn't far away from the market at all. Just tell me what you need." Before mom starts listing the several items she needs, I get up and wash my plate clean, putting them back in the cabinet. "I still have time. Can I go talk outside with Cal?" I say wiping my mouth with a napkin. "Alright. Come back in when it's time for you to leave." "Sure."

I go to my room and change from sleepwear to gray sweatpants and a long sleeved plain white shirt. The clothes aren't tight-fitting, so they actually comfort me. I head out the door and close it behind me. Calvin was my best friend ever since Fifth Classes. He still is, of course. I ring his doorbell, and Cal is already in a black shirt and indigo jeans. A smile spreads across his face. "You came early this time. Usually it's me at your door." I smile too. "I know. Want to talk outside?" I say gesturing to the stairs. Cal nods and closes the door to sit next to me. "You're almost eighteen, Abbey." Cal blurts stating the obvious. I roll my eyes playfully. "Well we can't stay young forever, you know." "I know."

We sit there in silence until I hear Cal's voice. "I'll miss these days. Soon..." I bite my lip and avert his gaze. "You can't stay a teenager for much longer. You can't just have no life partner forever you know." I let out a sigh. "I know." When it is a year before our eighteenth birthday, the government mails us a letter telling who we're getting married to. "It's going to be different, Cal.

How will I know what to do when I'm ... married." I say the last word uneasily. "You already know who you're going to get married to. I know too..." Cal trails off quietly. I look at him. "You." He nods and wraps his arms around me. "That shouldn't change who we are. Just what we do- our actions." I grin and give him a small kiss on his cheek. "How is it that you can be so charming so effortlessly?" Cal chuckles and kisses me on my forehead. "That's for you to decide. I won't be judgemental about myself." I nod and sigh.

Cal hugs me and checks his watch. "We have to go." I groan and reluctantly get up. "I'll meet you out here later. After your done with your Classes?" I nod and walk down the stairs. As I walk to my house, Calvin gives a quick wave and walks back in his. I open the door and go to my room, grabbing the bag. I hug mom and Kayli and leave outside. The train waits for me in the street and I enter it. I take a seat in the front and watch as Cal's house passes by. He doesn't have Classes since he made his choice and has a job. When he is 23 (In four years) and I am 22 (in four years) we'll get married. I look down at my shoes and think how different life will be in the future. When we- if we- have kids...

In a short amount of time, I'm in the front of the tall black building. Classes. I open the glass door and step onto the marble floors. For a school, this is very fancy but I've gone used to it anyways. "ID please?" I take my card out and watch the man focus it under a red light. The light turns green and he hands it back. "Qualified. Welcome Abbey." Before I leave, in a hushed tone, the man whispers quietly. "Good luck on your choosing. Make the best choice with your mind." I nod and smile. He grins and I make my way to the Classes.

Social, Educational, Specials, Skills, Marital. My eyes linger on the last word. This is a new addition. I don't want to learn about getting married and all... that... right now.

After Classes end, my hair is all over the place, my body is numb and even sweet coffee can't help now. I stop by the mirror in the hall and smooth my hair. Did I always look like this? If not on the outside, the inside, obviously.

I exit out the door and board the train, taking my same seat. In a short amount of time, we arrive near my stop. I thank the driver and walk out, dazed by the sun. I shut my eyes for a second and feel someone pull at my waist, a cold hand covering my mouth. I open my eyes and I can feel them widen. It's a tall guy, dark hair, dark blue eyes. "Don't. Talk. I have information to tell you." I slowly nod and gulp.

"Alright." He uncovers my mouth, but I still feel his arms warmth around my waist. "You won't see your dad today. You'll see him later. They'll have a message for you. Act like you know nothing. Show no signs of knowledge that this happened. Okay?" I nod again, slower this time. He half-smirks. "You'll see me again... Abbey." I quirk an eyebrow. "How do you know my name?" "I know. Oh, and I'm Archer. But you should be able to forget that"

My mouth opens for more words to come out, but Archer leaves before I have a chance. He looks back once and smiles. Then he disappears into the evening. I walk to my house, trying to forget what happened.

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