Letter 3.

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Dear Professor Carse,

                                            I'm sorry it took so long to write back. There was a death in the family, my dad, John. He died after his three year battle with brain cancer. I guess he just couldn't fight anymore, he was just to tired too. Am I sad? Of course I'm sad, but I don't really know why. My dad lived a very good life. He had an amazing wife, he raised his kids perfectly, his job made him happy and even though Chemo and surgeries can be soul-crushing, he died with a smile on his face. 

I guess, maybe I'm crying because I'm going to miss him, or maybe I'm crying for all the time I couldn't spend with him. You'd think that, because I live with Maria,  I would make my life as full as possible and I do try. Maria tells me about all the things she wished she did when she was alive. Kiss her crush from eighth grade, climb a mountain, write a book, have kids. I told her she can still do two of those things. All she needed to do was tell me the crushes name and learn how to touch a typewriter. She laughed, telling me it wasn't that simple, that regret is just something that happens, no matter what kind of life you live. I believe that's true. 

Anyway, I don't want to dwell on the past, that place behind me. I'm glad your granddaughter got first place in her talent show and your twin grandsons have found the wonderful act of magic tricks. I went through a magic phase too, when I was eleven. I sawed Jared in half once. I know that a photo of Miss.Corded wouldn't be turned down, but she said that I smelled like a reaper, like death, and wouldn't let let me get a non-blurry photo because she kept waving her arms around and throwing candles at me as she slammed the door in my face. This is what I like to call Miss.Gollum, instead of Corded. I have three green candle and two red ones now, so I guess it paid off anyway. 

In regards to your question, no, I can't get a photo of what Maria looks like now. She doesn't show up on camera. Trust me. I made a weird noise when I first saw her and she forced me to take a picture of her, since she can't even she herself in a mirror. I think I was more disappointed than she was. 

My sister stayed over for a few night last week. She didn't want me to be alone. I think she's starting to believe Maria isn't a figment of my mind. She even asked me today if Maria had a last name. It's Cheles, just so you know. I can't remember if I've told you it already. 

You don't need to worry about me, Professor Carse. I have my family and Maria to help me through John's death. If I need help, I'll ask someone. I promise.

                                                                                                         Best wishes, Arron.

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