Letter 6.

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Dear Mr.Carse,

                             My name is Leah. I'm Arron's sister that he spoke of in his letters. I was in his apartment and decided I would write to you, since my brother can't anymore. In case you don't know, Arron was in a car crash. He was hit by a bus while he was crossing the road from that little café a couple of blocks down. He's not dead, but he's completely paralyzed. He can't even breath on his own and, oh god, Mr.Carse, we can't keep paying the hospital bills. He said that it's okay, that he's fine with dying, but he doesn't get to do that.

Our Dad died, not even six months ago and now I'm going to lose another family member? Life is cruel Mr.Carse, life is cruel. I did find some comfort in your letters, I see how much you care for him. I'm including my number, just in case you want to go to his funeral. I have regrets, so many regrets about Arron. He seems so content. Like, he was waiting for death to claim him. I guess that's how we should all go, happy with our lives and how we lived them. 

I also know now that Maria is real. I saw her, just like Arron said she looked. Foggy and blurred, like you'd imagined. We even spoke. She told me about his girlfriend, Elena. She told me about the book she and him were writing together, she told me about his life and she told me about how much she would miss him, but that maybe she would get to join him. 

As of yesterday, Eric Crockie is dead and Maria has moved on. I told her to send my best wishes to Arron when she finds him in the afterlife, she told me he would already know. I wanted her to do that because, I can't be in the same room as him when he dies. I know you can understand. 

My brother is different, he kept his mind opened. He fought his ADHD, he convinced people that he was living with a ghost, because he was. He loved... loves life and it's many, many layers. He saw things in a way I will never be able to see. He taught me to enjoy life, to take risk, because any day, you could get hit with a bus. Even after he passes, I have no doubt that he'll keep teaching me things, I never even thought to learn. 

I'll miss him so much, Mr.Carse. I have a feeling you will too.


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