Chapter 1

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3 Weeks Later

"Plot Twist Productions, let us plan the perfect event for you, this is Taryn, how may I help you?" Taryn took a tired sip from her cup of tea as she listened to the potential customer on the line.

"No ma'am, we don't plan weddings" Reese watched her roll her eyes at the client's request. "We're strictly corporate events."

They received calls like this all the time. Brides, looking for someone to plan their special day, often forgot to read over the description on the company website. They saw the words "event" and "planning" and automatically assumed it meant private events. Evelyn Beckett, however, specialized in big, large-scale events tailored for big companies and political figures.

"I'm sorry we couldn't be much help" Taryn huffed before hanging up. She looked over at Reese.

"Another frantic bridezilla who insisted on arguing?" Reese asked, already knowing the answer.

"It's one thing to be disappointed, but to argue with me?" Taryn groaned. "I hate people."

"Well that's really unfortunate considering that you're a person" Reese pointed out.

Taryn glared. "You know what I mean."

Reese grinned before going back to scrolling through her reading assignment on her laptop. Even though it was only the second week of classes for the semester, she was already behind on her reading. She didn't have class until one in the afternoon, and she had opted to man the front office of the production company with Taryn during the morning hours because it would give her a semi quiet environment to study in while she would be earning a paycheck.

Taryn was also behind in her classes, but she honestly didn't care. It was common for her to float through lectures and then pull all-nighters the day before the test. She was a lot like her mother in that regard. She only liked to focus on one thing at a time, and if she tried to spread things out it screwed her up.

Speaking of Evelyn Beckett, the clacking of heels disrupted the comfortable silence that had fallen between the girls. "Good morning ladies!" Their boss cheerfully welcomed.

"Morning Mamma Eve!" Reese responded without looking up from her laptop.

"Morning Mom" Taryn replied.

Evelyn stopped at the front desk on the way to her office. "Any messages?"

Taryn looked down at the notepad kept by the phone. "Um, looks like Mr. Barkhurst called again. Something about refusing to plan his retirement party?"

Evelyn groaned. "That man retires at least twice a year. He needs to finally call it quits and let his son take over. I've planned three retirement parties for him already, even though I'm against planning personal events for business. Call his secretary back and say no. Not this time. We will attend if sent an invitation, but I've got too much to handle right now."

Taryn nodded. "And Nancy from Seymour Industries called to postpone your meeting with Mr. Brick?"

Evelyn sighed heavily. "I was really counting on that meeting today. The rest of my day is booked up with a recap meeting with the Mayor and a meeting with my lawyer about some settlements of your father's."

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