Chapter 2

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Group Message: Groupies:)

Taryn: who's working tonight?

Winnie: me:)

Garrett: I'm at the warehouse

Tayter Tot: T, you're still taking my shift at 5, right?

Taryn: I may be a little late. Mother wants to speak to me

Tayter Tot: I'm supposed to meet Jenna at 6!!!

Little J: don't worry about it. You can be late. I'll drive myself and get a table

Tayter Tot: you sure babe?

Little J: I'll be fine. No big deal. Really

Tayter Tot: ok:) you're amazing baby!

Taryn: Ew. Stahp.

Garrett: I just threw up in my mouth

Reese: TMI

Winnie: you two only act that way because you wouldn't know Romance if it hit you in the face

Taryn: I know Romance. I'm just allergic to it

Garrett: and I'll have you know I could get any girl if I wanted too

Winnie: like Gracie?

Garrett: key words "if I wanted too"


"So what's so top secret?" Taryn asked her mother as she took a bite of honey chicken.

"It's about that meeting I have tomorrow" Evelyn admitted. She opened the takeout box Taryn had set on her desk minutes before.

"What about it?" Taryn asked.

"Well, I have an opportunity to work with a friend's company" Evelyn admitted. "We were close in college. We even dated for a little while before I met your father."


"Taryn, listen" Evelyn was serious. "You still want to be an event planner, right?"

Taryn's eyes widened. "Mom, you know that's what I've wanted to be since I was a little girl. I've always loved going to your events."

Evelyn wore a proud smile. "Well, this friend of mine runs a very successful business, you could say. It's actually more like a big corporation."

"Really?" Taryn asked excitedly. She knew her mother's biggest dream was to plan for multi-million dollar companies.

"I know!" Evelyn beamed. "This is a huge opportunity! Tomorrow I'm meeting with the board and I'm going to present a portfolio of some of our most successful events. If they like it, they are going to put me in charge of planning one of their most well known banquets!"

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