Chapter 5

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The only sounds heard were the scraping of forks against porcelain plates as everyone ate their food without talking. Taryn kept her gaze on her food while she moved spaghetti noodles around. Tayton kept a hard glare at the wall behind his mother's head while he squeezed Jenna's hand from under the table. Jenna kept her body turned towards him and her eyes searched the side of his face.

Evelyn's worried eyes moved around the table, ready to catch the first person to start trouble. Seth had yet to make a comment about Jenna. When Tayton had agreed she was his girlfriend, all Seth had done was nod before Taryn stepped in and announced dinner was ready.

Winnie looked around at everyone also, but her glances were of curiosity and anticipation rather than worry. And finally, it was her who broke the silence.

"So, Mr. Beckett, I think now would be a great opportunity to thank you for that paid vacation to the beach last year" Winnie stated.

"Oh?" The twin's father raised an eyebrow at her as if he didn't have the slightest clue what she was talking about.

Evelyn spoke up for clarity. "She's talking about our trip to the family bungalow in Hawaii, dear. You were supposed to go with us for vacation but something came up."

"Something always comes up" Taryn mumbled. Winnie snorted. Jenna paled. Tayton fought a smile. The comment went ignored by her parents.

"Oh, yes, I believe it was the Hartfordsher Deal" Seth nodded. "I had to fly to New Jersey for the week."

"Well, the gang and I had a great time" Winnie responded.

Mr. Beckett paused. "The gang?"

"Yes Dear," Evelyn confirmed. "It's Taryn and Tayton's group of friends. They are as close as family, so we invited them on our family vacation."

"I see" Mr. Beckett. "I wasn't aware we had more than two children."

"I'm surprised you're even aware you have two" Winnie snapped.

Taryn's and Jenna's eyes widened. Tayton's grip on his girlfriend's hand tightened. Evelyn paled.

Mr. Beckett's jaw clenched and his grip on his glass of wine tightened. "I'm sorry, but who did you say you were again?"

Winnie sat up straight and looked him square in the eye, showing him that she wouldn't be intimidated. "Winnifred Gentry, Taryn and Tayton's best friend since preschool."

"Gentry? As in Lucas and Maryse Gentry?" Mr. Beckett poked at Winnie's personal life.

"Nope" Winnie replied casually with a shrug, showing that she wasn't the least bit bothered by his topic even though she knew he was trying to kill her confidence. "I've been emancipated since I was seventeen. So it's Gentry as in I pick my own family."

"Oh really?" Mr. Beckett pressed.

"Yes, and your children were among my biggest supporters during that court case and they continue to support me in everyway" Winnie informed. "That makes them my family. And I don't take kindly to my family being pushed around and degraded by self-centered, bitter, manipulating old men who think they have some kind of claim because they share DNA."

"Okay, I think it's time to change the subject" Taryn interjected, but was interrupted by her father.

"No, I want to hear more about how oppressing this bitter old man is on Ms. Gentry's adoptive family."

"Seth, really, let's talk about something more pleasant" Evelyn begged, reaching out to affectionately touch her husband's arm.

"I think this topic is just fine" Mr. Beckett objected. "Please Ms. Gentry, what do you know about me and my children?"

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